Course Catalogue for Erasmus+ Students

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Romanian courses with English support by faculty

Additional to the English taught courses, the TUIASI academic staff also offers English support for some Romanian taught courses. The support may consist of: english course notes, english bibliography, final project or exam to be taken in English.

“G.M. Cantacuzino” Faculty of Architecture

No.Name of the courseMain ChaptersStudy Plan CodeField of studyLevel of study (Undergraduate/Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1Universal History of Architecture II. INTRODUCTION. PREHISTORY. The genesis of architecture. The first architectural human manifestations. Earth, Sky, and Structure II. ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE 1. Ancient Near Eastern Architecture and Urbanism: Sumerian, Assyrian, Persian 2. Egypt. Egyptian Architecture: Old Kingdom Pyramids and New Kingdom 2. Bronze Age Architecture in the Aegean: Minoan and Mycenaean 3. Greek Architecture and Urbanism: The Orders, Polis/Acropolis, Hellenistic Experimentation, Urban Planning. 4. Ancient Rome: Introduction.ARA1103ArchitectureUG/MSc1st1 (W)3
2Universal History of Architecture III. ARCHITECTURE AND ART OF ANCIENT ROME. 1. Technological and formal construction revolution. 2. Housing and urbanity. 3. Major architectural programs. Functional, formal, and volumetric typologies. Precedents and evolution. Architectural phenomenology. 4. Architectural regionalisms and their impact on the future of Western architecture. II. BYZANTINE ARCHITECTURE AND ART: THE EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE. 1. The transition from the Roman basilica to the Christian church. 2. The division of the empire and its religious and architectural consequences. III. ARCHITECTURE AND ART IN WESTERN MEDIEVAL EUROPE: EUROPE AFTER THE FALL OF ROME. 1. Artistic, technical, and stylistic traditions of various European populations. 2. Cultures of superstition. 3. The fusion of "barbarian" arts with Christian influences and beliefs. 4. Charlemagne and the "renaissance" of Western civilization. 5. The birth of the Northern style: Ottonian architecture and art. 6. The transition from naturalistic to symbolic representation. 7. Icons, iconography, and iconoclasm. 8. Space and light in art and architecture. 9. A new aesthetic. Spatial and functional transformations.ARA1203ArchitectureUG/MSc1st2 (S)2
3Foreign Languages English/Frenchfor English: General concepts about the role and place of the English language in the current context: 1. The verb – verb tenses 2. The noun – classification; gender of nouns; case and number 3. Pronouns, adjectives, numerals, articles – classification; applications. for French: Introductory concepts of French phonetics and orthography: The vowel system and the consonant system. Nasalization of vowels, tonic accent, and graphic accent. Practical exercises: listening, reading, and thematic conversation. Grammar concepts: 2. The verb (I): Classification. Tenses, moods (Indicative: Present; Simple Future, Future Perfect). Oral and written grammatical and lexical exercises. 3. Pronouns: (personal, demonstrative, possessive, reflexive, relative, interrogative, impersonal) and the pronominal adjective. Functions and placement of the pronoun in a sentence. Oral and written practical exercises. 4. The noun: (gender, number, functions); exercises. 5.The adjective: (classification, feminization, agreement); oral and written practical exercises. 6. Agreement of tenses in the indicative mood; practical exercises. Translation and analysis of a technical specialized text; interactive practical exercises. 7. Lexicon: General concepts of situational vocabulary; specific vocabulary concepts. Practical grammatical and lexical exercises. Writing a thematic essay. Writing a Europass CV.ARA1112ArchitectureUG/MSc1st1 (W)1
4Foreign Languages English/Frenchfor English for FrenchARA1212ArchitectureUG/MSc1st2 (S)1
5Architectural DesignDesign studio on a specific assignment. Study of the HOUSING program: 1. Urban housing. 2. Semi-detached houses.ARA2101ArchitectureUG1st1 (W)12
6Architectural DesignDesign studio on a specific assignment. Study of the HOUSING Program: 1. Urban insertion in a real site housing for three families. 2. Vacation house – in a real site."ARA2201ArchitectureUG2nd2 (S)12
7Universal History of Architecture IIII. Romanesque: The Age of Pilgrimages. 1. The influence of crusades, pilgrimages and monastic orders. 2. The Christian Church, a unifying and stabilizing factor. 3. The cult of saints and religious devotion. 4. The renaissance of monumental sculpture. 5. Didactic, spiritual and emotional goals of architecture and art. 6. Social and historical factors that contributed to the distinct vocabulary of Romanesque in its different regional styles - French, English, Italian. 7. New conceptions about the representation of the human figure. 8. Space and light in art and architecture. II. Gothic: the age of the great cathedrals. 1. Life as a pilgrimage to prepare for the afterlife. 2. Abbot Suger and the birth of Gothic architecture. 3. Harmony as Source of Beauty. 4. Gothic architectural styles, technology and vocabulary in France and beyond: England, Germany and Italy (evolution of regional styles). 5. Comparisons between classical idealism and Gothic naturalism. 6. Scolastics and its influence in architecture: the desire to reconcile faith with reason. III. THE ARCHITECTURE OF EUROPEAN RENAISSANCE. 1. The premises of Renaissance. Renaissance in Italy, France, Germany and in German culture countries. 2. Mannerism IV. EUROPEAN BAROQUE ARCHITECTURE Premises. Baroque in in Italy, France, Germany.ARA203ArchitectureUG/MSc2nd1 (W)2
8Foreign Languages English/Frenchfor English for FrenchARA2113ArchitectureUG/MSc2nd1 (W)1
9Housing Theory1. Introduction: definitions and meaning 2. Evolution of the housing: primitive, popular, premodern, modern, contemporary.Concepts and symbols characteristic of housing types; 3. Morphology, function and meaning in housing design; 4. Typology: urban / rural housing, detached / attached / terraced /terraced, single-family homes, individual / semi-collective / collective housing; 5. Housing for special needs: home elderly, persons with dissabilities, orphanages emergency housing, social housing; 6. Identity in housing design.ARA2207ArchitectureUG/MSc2nd1 (W)1
10Computer Aided Architectural DesignArchiCAD - course+seminar 1. ArchiCAD - Work interface; project navigation; project organization: layers, stories, project preferences. 2D working techniques; coordinates, cursor, help lines, marquee, trace and reference. 2. Project management, graphic elements for the project: template files, manager attributes, creation of special lines, fillers, materials, areas, multilayer structures. 3. Creating the main volumes and the structure. Joinery elements. Curtain walls. 4. Interior walls and openings. Vertical circulations, poles, metal beams. Library items. 5. Basic techniques for editing 2D and 3D elements 6. Defining areas, project quotation, lists of materials. Sections, facades. Worksheets, details and 3D documents. 7. Roofs, curtain walls, "Shell" and "Morph" tools. Profile manager. Truss maker and Roof Maker. 8. Rendering techniques; study of sunshine, animation, VR. 9. Layouting the drawings, printing and publishing the project.ARA2109ArchitectureUG/MSc2nd1 (W)4
11Methodology of Architectural Space1. Architectural space 2. Elements defining architectural space 3. Opening the space. Formal features 4. Dynamic axes 5. Geometric characteristics of primary shapes 6. Interspatial relations 7. Composition and organization of spaces 8. Spatial connections 9. Transition spaces between interior and exterior.ARA2206ArchitectureUG/MSc2nd2 (S)2
12History of Modern ArchitectureI: CULTURAL, TERRITORIAL, AND TECHNICAL TRANSFORMATIONS: 1750-1900 I.1 Cultural Transformations: New Architectural Theories PIRANESI PERRAULT I.2 Visionary Architects: BOULLEE LEDOUX DURAND I.3 Territorial Transformations: Urban Development: 1800-1909 I.4 Technical Transformations: Technologies Materials: 1775-1939 II: NEO-CLASSICAL ARCHITECTURE IN THE 19TH CENTURY II.1 Structural Classicism: H. LABROUSTE II.2 Romantic Classicism: F. SCHINKEL II.3 The End of an Era: G. SPENCER The Work of GARNIER III: STRUCTURAL RATIONALISM IRON ARCHITECTURE III.1 World Expositions III.2 New Programs of the Century III.3 Gustave EIFFEL and the Architecture of Engineers IV: THE CHICAGO SCHOOL SKYSCRAPERS: TYPOLOGIES AND SYMBOLISM IV.1 Representatives of the Chicago School and Their Creations: H.H. RICHARDSON William Le BARON JENNEY IV.2 "Make Big Plans" - Daniel BURNHAM IV.3 Louis SULLIVAN & Dankmar ADLER: The Auditorium and Tall Buildings V: STYLES OF THE YEAR 1900: "ARTS E VITA" V.1 "Arts and Crafts" Charles Rennie MACKINTOSH and the Glasgow School V.2 "Art Nouveau" in Belgium and France: Victor HORTA and Hector GUIMARD V.3 WAGNER OLBRICH HOFFMANN and the Vienna Secession; Adolf LOOS V.4 Catalan Modernism and A. GAUDIARA2204ArchitectureUG/MSc2nd2 (S)3
13Foreign Languages English/Frenchfor English Translation of specialized texts. Comments on the texts Arhitecture: art or science? The language of arhitecture. Great arhitects of Europe The Arts and the Crafts Movement Gaudi Arhitecture as system Building style and arhitecture for French 1. The Verb (III) Recapitulation: Indicative) Oral and written grammar and lexical exercises 2. Verb (IV) Conditional: Present, Past. Applied exercises 3. Verb. And conditional. Exercises 4. Noun: (gender, number, functions); exercises. Adjective (classification, feminization, agreement); oral and written application exercises. 5. The concordance of the tenses to the indicative; application exercises Translation and analysis of a specialized technical text; interactive application exercises 6. Vocabulary: General notions of situational vocabulary; specific notions of vocabulary specific to the field of constructions 7. Grammar and lexical exercisesARA2213ArchitectureUG/MSc2nd2 (S)1
14Architectural DesignDesign studio on a specific assignment The study of public architecture programs materialized through projects whose themes are developed on real sites: Tourist guesthouse Creative center Sketches of a sketchARA3101ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd1 (W)12
15Architectural DesignDesign studio on a specific assignment The study of public architecture programs materialized through projects whose themes are developed on real sites: Vocational high school Collective housing with low-rise regulations Sketches of a sketchARA3201ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd2 (S)12
16History of Contemporary and Modern ArchitectureI: F.L. WRIGHT: THE AMERICAN MYTH I.1 Sullivan's Legacy: "Order out of Chaos" I.2 Usonian Houses and "The Disappearing City" II: THE AVANT-GARDE, ARCHITECTURAL EXPRESSIONISM II.1 The Avant-Garde, De Stijl, Constructivism II.2 Expressionism II.3 The Bauhaus Movement III: THE INTERNATIONAL STYLE AND LE CORBUSIER III.1 Deutscher Werkbund: Walter Gropius III.2 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe: "God is in the Detail" III.3 Le Corbusier and "L' Esprit Nouveau" III.4 Le Corbusier and "La Ville Radieuse" III.5 Italian Rationalism - G. Terragni IV: THE POETICS OF MODERNISM IV.1 National-Romanticism in Scandinavia IV.2 Alvar Aalto and the Poetry of the North IV.3 Kahn: Metaphysical Architecture V: REGIONALISM AND POSTMODERN ARCHITECTURE V.1 Postmodernism V.2 Regionalism and Cultural Identity - Conclusions.ARA3102ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd1 (W)2
17Architectural ProgramsI. Introductory Concepts: - Architectural programs, definitions, evolution - Function, users, flows, spaces - Approach methodology: typology and comparison II. Housing Individual and collective housing III. Social Program Buildings Programs for elderly people (nursing homes, retirement homes, recovery centers) Programs for minors (children's homes, minor reception centers, kindergartens, schools, special centers, hospital dormitories) IV. Buildings for Tourism: Morphology, Flows, Categories – Hotel, Motel, Guesthouse, Camping V. Educational Buildings: Preschool, School, University VI. Commercial Buildings: Food commerce, non-food commerce, public catering, agro-food market VII. Sports Buildings: Sports halls, swimming pools, ice rinks, stadiums VIII. Cultural Buildings: Performance halls IX. Cultural Buildings: Museums X. Cultural Buildings: Libraries XI. Administrative and Office Buildings: Offices, local and national administration, justice XII. Health Buildings: Network, zoning, circulation - Health centers, polyclinics, hospitals XIII. Buildings for Transportation: Road, railway, maritime, air, and intermodal transportation XIV. ConclusionsARA3104ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd1 (W)2
18Interior Design - Furniture1. Interior Architecture and Furniture – The Cultural Dimension 2. Furniture in Ancient Greek and Roman Times 3. Furniture in the Byzantine, Romanesque, and Gothic Empires 4. Furniture in the Renaissance, Classicism, and Baroque Periods 5. Art Nouveau Furniture and Artistic Avant-Garde of the 20th Century 6. Contemporary Trends in Furniture 7. Functionality, Functional Groupings 8. General Elements of Sizing, Materials, Accessories, and Finishes 9. Interior Architecture, Materials, and Contemporary TechnologiesARA3106ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd1 (W)2
19Interior Design - FurnitureProject Detailed interior design of an existing and accessible real space, with the idea of faithfully replicating situations encountered in the market. Designing a piece of furniture. Creating a large-scale functional model for the piece of furniture studied in the previous stage.ARA3206ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd2 (S)2
20Finishing Techinques1. General notions of construction physics. Heat transfer and thermal protection in buildings. Hygrothermal phenomena and condensation in buildings. Noise and comfort in acoustics, protection against noise. Design of the building envelope taking into account the action of external factors (temperature, water and humidity, wind, vibration and sound) 2. Facade systems, compact facades. Ventilated facades. Glass facades, curtain facades, double skin facades. Solar facades, green facades.3. Roofing, coating systems. Modern wooden frames. Roofs: ceramic materials, concrete tiles, flat or corrugated sheet metal, bituminous cardboard, tile type sheet, bituminous tiles. 4. Flat roofs (terrace type). Composition of compact terrace roofs, the role of layers, inverted terraces, garden terraces, ventilated terraces, delimitation elements (attics, cornices) local solutions (scaffolding, ledges, drainage systems.ARA3107ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd1 (W)2
21Finishing TechinquesI. Carpentry Elements for Construction: - Classification, materials, functions, wooden windows, metal and plastic windows, wooden and metal doors, protective elements for windows and doors II. Glass Facades: - Classification (curtain wall, double skin facade, double ventilated facade, closed cavity facade - CCF, U-glass), systems, solar protections III. Finishes for Walls and Ceilings: - Functions, performance criteria. Wet plasters, paints, coatings, wallpapers, dry plasters, cladding. False ceilings IV. Floors: - Basic structure of floors, specific performance requirements and criteria, details of warm floors (wood, wood substitutes, plastics, textiles), details of "cold" and "semi-cold" floors (natural stone, fired artificial stone, unfired artificial stone, etc.) V. Stairs: - Construction composition and finishing solutions, reinforced concrete stairs, wooden stairs, metal stairs. Railings, handrails - railings made of concrete, brick, wood, metal, handrails VI. Partition Walls: - Functions, classification, construction solutionsARA3207ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd2 (S)3
22Urban Planning ProjectsProject Urban analysis exercises highlighting the main urban elements (organization and conformity of the built environment, functions, organization of circulation networks, natural framework, and green areas) for: Residential urban tissues Urban routesARA3111ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd1 (W)2
23History of Modern and Contemporary ArtsIntroduction to the Issues of Modern and Contemporary Art History. 19th Century Art: - Neoclassicism. Analysis of Selected Works. - Romanticism. Analysis of Selected Works. - Realism and Impressionism. Analysis of Selected Works. - Art Around 1900. Analysis of Selected Works. 20th Century Art. Foundations of the 20th Century, Cubism and Futurism. Analysis of Selected Works. - Informal Art and Geometric Abstract Art. Analysis of Selected Works. - Figurative Art: The Subjective Gaze. Analysis of Selected Works. - The Pictorial Universe of Surrealism. Analysis of Selected Works. - Pop-Art, a Movement of the 1960s. Analysis of Selected Works. - Art and Functionalism: Architecture and Design.ARA3114ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd1 (W)2
24Computer Aided Architectural DesignModeling in Revit 2024 of an individual housing project from the project archive of first or second-year students.ARA3116ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd1 (W)2
25Urban Planning DoctrinesI. Fundamentals of Modern Urbanist Thought: - Urban arts - Critique of the industrial city - Social and urban utopias II. Politics and Ideology in Modern Urban Approaches: - Main Ideological Models: - Culturalism, traditionalism, and the "New American Urbanism"; - E. Howard and the "Garden City"; - Rationalism and functionalism: I. Cerda, T. Garnier, Le Corbusier, and the Athens Charter.ARA3213ArchitectureUG/MSc3rd2 (S)1
26Architectural Complex Design1. Collective Housing - Residential Complex Consisting of 2-3 Bar and/or Point Modules (individual or coupled, with one or more staircases) - Long Project 2. High School Sports Hall - Short Project 3. 3 SketchesARA4101ArchitectureUG/MSc4th1 (W)13
27Architectural Complex Design1. Multifunctional Complex 1.1. Business Center - Long Project 1.2. Office Space Detailing - Short Project 2. 3 SketchesARA4201ArchitectureUG/MSc4th2 (S)13
28Building PhysicsI. Introduction: - Course objectives, the relationship between man, construction, and environment, application of performance analysis, the concept of sustainable development, the quality system in construction, the building as a system. II. Climatic Conditions of the External Environment: - Climate conditions and factors, external design temperature, statistical presentations, climate changes, the urban heat island phenomenon (case studies). III. Heat Transfer in Buildings: - Basic quantities, fundamental modes of heat transfer, heat transfer through building elements that separate environments with different temperatures. IV. Behavior of Building Elements to Heat Transfer in a Steady Thermal State: - Thermal resistance of homogeneous and non-homogeneous building elements, the thermal field on the surface and in the structure of building elements, determination methods. V. Behavior of Building Elements and Rooms to Heat Transfer in a Variable Thermal State: - Characteristics of materials and building elements, thermal inertia of rooms, the effect on the indoor climate and energy consumption for heating and cooling. VI. Air Humidity and Water Vapor Condensation: - Sources of humidity in buildings, characteristics of humid air, condensation of water vapor on the surface and in the structure of building elements, effects of condensation, prevention measures. VII. Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort: - Indoor air quality, sources of pollutants, effects on health, thermal comfort and comfort factors, evaluations regarding air quality and the level of comfort achievement.ARA4104ArchitectureUG/MSc4th1 (W)3
29Building PhysicsI. Natural Ventilation of Buildings: - The role of ventilation, performance criteria, determining factors, ventilation schemes, practical implementation of natural and mechanical ventilation, the influence of ventilation on the microclimate. II. Hygrothermal Design Elements of Building Envelopes: - Energy conservation and meeting comfort requirements, performance criteria and levels regarding energy consumption for residential buildings. III. Utilization of Free Gains: - Utilization of operational gains, utilization of solar gains, greenhouse effect, utilization of solar energy in heating and cooling spaces, active systems, passive systems. IV. Protection of Buildings Against Solar Radiation: - Facade protection systems, architectural elements, protective elements for glazed surfaces, passive cooling systems for spaces. V. Building Acoustics: - Fundamental concepts, sounds and noises, noise and acoustic comfort, sound as a physical phenomenon, defining the acoustic field, sound propagation in open spaces, acoustic protection against airborne and impact noise. VI. Room Acoustics: - Sound propagation in enclosed spaces, echo, reverberation, quality criteria for listening rooms, design principles for listening rooms, acoustic treatments, examples. VII. Natural Lighting of Buildings: - Light and architecture, general concepts of photometry, perception of light and color, visual comfort, performance criteria and levels regarding natural lighting, practical implementation of natural lighting for spaces with different purposes. VIII. Artificial Lighting: - Sources of artificial light, lighting fixtures, lighting systems, luminous architectural surfaces, illuminated surfaces, artificial lighting in architecture, innovative systems. IX. Fire Protection of Buildings: - Fire risk, general concept of buildings and fire prevention at the urban planning level, compartmentalization, evacuation routes, reaction to fire, fire resistance.ARA4204ArchitectureUG/MSc4th2 (S)3
30Architecture, Town, Society1. The Relationship Between Architecture, City, and Society: 1.1 Introduction to the Course Topic: - Architecture. Definitions. Functions of Architecture - The City. Definitions. The Role of the City in Society. Types of Cities. The Key Function of the City - Society. Definitions. The Role of Society in the Development of the City 1.2 Inter- and Transdisciplinarity in Architecture and Urbanism 1.3 Determinants of Architectural and Urban Planning Projects2. Defining Sociology as the Science of the Social: 2.1 Precursors of Sociology (Aristotle, Plato, Spinoza, Montesquieu, Hegel) 2.2 Defining Sociology. The First Sociological Theories (A. Comte and E. Durkheim) 2.3 Areas of Interest. Objectives of Sociology. Functions of Sociology as a Science (descriptive, explanatory, critical, and applied). Branches of Contemporary Sociology 2.4 Sociological Categories: - Social Structure - Social Relations. Elements of Social Structure (group, layer, social class) - Status and Social Role. Community 3. The City as a System. Contemporary Urban Phenomena and Processes: - Approaches in Urban Sociology. Classifications. The Pre-Industrial City. The Industrial City 4. Theories in Urban Sociology: 4.1 Theories Developed in the 20th Century. Economic, Political, and Socio-Cultural Context (G. Simmel, the Chicago School - Wirth, R.N. Morris) 4.2 Urban Ecology 5. Housing as a Social Phenomenon: 5.1 Analysis of Housing from a Sociological Perspective 5.2 Types of Housing Related to the Cultural and Economic Values of Society 5.3 Differences in Housing (Rural - Urban). Housing Policies 5.4 Social Determinants of Housing, Inter- and Intra-Family Relations (Neighborly Relations) 6. The City as a Social Phenomenon: 6.1 Social Space. The Psycho-Social Dimension of Urban Space (Perception of the Built Environment, Spatial Behaviors, Urban Image) 6.2 Public Space - Support for Social Events 6.3 The Square and the Street. The Importance of Public Spaces Related to Society's Values and Way of Life 6.4 Urbanity - Urban Life. Analysis of Public Space from a Sociological Perspective 6.5 Contemporary Urban Sociology 7. Landmarks of an Integrated Design of Architecture - City - Society: 7.1 The Social Responsibility of the Architect. The Necessity of Understanding Historical, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Values. Society's Participation in Urban Design Decisions 7.2 The Evolutionary Character of Human Society, Transience (Gradual Evolution vs. Forced Evolution), Dynamics of Housing 7.3 Architecture and Urbanism as an Image of SocietyARA4108ArchitectureUG/MSc4th1 (W)1
31Sign, Significance in Architecture1. The Imaginary in Architecture. Rhetoric in Architecture: - The Imaginary in Architecture - Rhetoric in Architecture 2. Architecture and Power. Architecture and Ideology: Stalinist, Fascist, and Nazi Architecture. Totalitarian Architecture in Romania 3. Architectural Significations: Spatial, Functional, and Aesthetic. The Informational Function of Architecture 4. Significations Associated with Built Space: Historical, Cultural, Psycho-Social, Political, and Economic Significations 5. Identity in Architecture. Memory and the Spirit of PlaceARA4110ArchitectureUG/MSc4th1 (W)2
32Computer Aided Architectural DesignRhinoceros 5.0 - Virtual Modeling Tools: - Presentation of the Rhinoceros program interface, explanation of topology and NURBS surface concepts. Surface operations. - Grasshopper Plug-in – Mathematical Modeling with Grasshopper and Transposing Mathematical Models into Real Geometry with Rhinoceros. Presentation of the Grasshopper program interface and usual menus. Basic elements specific to working in Rhinoceros and Grasshopper. Studied Topics: - Grasshopper - ArchiCAD Connection - Primary Operations in Grasshopper – Dividing a Curve - Operations with Series, Domains, and Intervals - Data Structures - 2D, 3D Attractors - Graph Mapper – Surface Analysis - Parametric Tower - Parametric Facade with Attractor - Structure with Beams in Two Directions - Voronoi Diagrams - 3D Spatial Structure - PROJECTARA4111ArchitectureUG/MSc4th1 (W)2
33Architectural RehabilitationDefining Terms: Architectural Rehabilitation, Conversion, Functional Adaptation (Adaptive Reuse): - Types of Architectural Rehabilitation. Application Areas. Defining the Issues of Architectural Rehabilitation. - Functional Conversion. Changes in the Functional Category of Buildings. - Functional Adaptation (Architecture Reuse). Economically Efficient Rehabilitations. - Eco-Rehabilitation – Adapting Existing Buildings to Contemporary Energy Efficiency Standards. - Types of Architectural Rehabilitation. Application Areas. Theoretical Elements in Architectural Rehabilitation. Formal Operations and Spatial Volumetric Effects. - Consolidations, Structural Interventions. - Stages of the Rehabilitation Project. Compatibility, Incompatibility, and Opportunities in Functional Conversion. - Reference Examples for Architectural Rehabilitation. Case Studies.ARA4112ArchitectureUG/MSc4th1 (W)2
34Built Space PsychologyWhat is Environmental Psychology? - Environmental Cognition - Environmental Attitudes - Natural Disasters - Territoriality and Personal Space - Perception of Shapes and Colors; Chromatic Contrasts and Shape Contrasts - Urban Density - Urban Crowding - Urban LifeARA4113ArchitectureUG/MSc4th1 (W)2
35RestaurationsDefining Terms: Restoration, Conservation, Heritage, Monument: - Evolution of the Concept of Historic Monument, Urban Heritage, and Restoration Theory. Restoration Doctrines. - Contemporary Legislation at National and International Levels. Monument Records. Classifications. - Research in the Restoration Process: Surveying, Elements of Architectural Style, Historical Research, Archaeological Research. - Types of Historic Structures. Concepts of Strengthening Historical Buildings. - Causes of Monument Degradation. Restoration Solutions. - Methodology of Conservation and Restoration of Monuments. Documentation and Representation Elements in the Restoration Project. 3D Scanning and Publishing. - Reference Examples of Architectural Restoration. Case Studies. Project Presentation of the Project Theme Documentation of Similar Examples. Analysis DesignARA4203ArchitectureUG/MSc4th2 (S)4
36Urban StructuresUrbanization and Urban Society: - Defining the Contemporary Urban Phenomenon - Criteria and Framework Elements in Urban Analysis Urban and Territorial Planning: - General Planning, Strategic Planning, and Spatial Planning - Systems Theory and Modeling of Socio-Spatial Systems - Urban Planning and Territorial Management Documentation Functional and Spatial Structures in the Urban Context: - Urban Textures and Functional States - Zoning, Urban Integration, and Restructuring Urban Morphology and Urban Project: - Levels and Methods of Intervention - Case Studies and Analysis of Significant Examples Project: - Site Analysis, Approach Methods, and Conceptual Schemes - Zonal Urban Plan (detailed) - Graphic Representation of Urban Planning Regulation Elements within a Low-Complexity Urban Planning Approach - Plotting Plan and Housing Placement - Study of Area Organization with Presentation of Main Urban Planning Regulation Elements (alignments, height regime, groupings, land occupation mode)ARA4206ArchitectureUG/MSc4th2 (S)3
37Urban EcologyNecessity and Opportunity of the Course. Terms Used. General Concepts of Ecology: Urbanism, Environment, Ecology, Ecosystem: Urban Ecology: Definitions, Multidisciplinary Science, General Concepts. Course Objectives. Current Context. Environmental Issues at Global, Zonal, and Local Levels: Ecosystem: Functions and Benefits of Ecosystems; Urban Ecosystem/City Ecosystems; Definition, Concept, and Structure. Ecological Principles in the Urban Landscape: Global Warming Phenomenon: Causes, Phenomenology, Propagation Mechanisms, and Short- and Long-Term Effects. Greenhouse Effect. CO2 Equivalent – Carbon Footprint. Human Health: Sources of Pollution (Water, Air, Soil): Major Sources, Permanent and Non-Permanent Sources: Urban Climate; Specific Microclimate; Solar Radiation; Temperature; Air Movements/Ventilation; Urban Heat Island (UHI) and Climatic Effects of Urbanization. Urban Hydrology, Water Cycle in Nature, Rainwater - Domestic Water (Purification and Treatment); Rainwater: Harvesting, Storage, Purification, and Utilization – Classical Methods, Eco Methods. Urban Soils, Texture, pH, Residues, Composition (Access to Water, Air, Nutrients), Maintaining Life in Soil: Urban Development: Scenarios, Effects on the Environment and Population. Role and Importance of Green Spaces in the Urban Matrix. Biodiversity Conservation: Urban Environment and Surrounding Environment. Factors Influencing Physical-Spatial Characteristics. Interdependencies. Consequences: Urban Habitats: Biodiversity, Urban Flora and Fauna. Adaptability, Life Expectancy in Urban vs. Natural Environment: Sustainable Development. Generalities, Concept Clarifications, Origin of the Term. Conditions and Actions for Maintaining the Balance Between Built Environment/Natural Environment Through the Lens of Sustainable Development Concept: Quality of Life in Large Cities. Subjective and Objective Perception. Factors Contributing to the Increase or Decrease of Quality of Life in Large Cities. Sustainable Urban Development: Role of Landscape in Ecological Planning Studies. General Framework, Landscape as a Resource of the Environment. Procedures for Integrating Landscape into the Urban Framework: Ecological Issues of the Urban Matrix: Stages of an Urban Intervention for Maintaining Urban Sustainability in Relation to the Environment: Environmental Management. Assessing the Impact of the Built Environment on the Natural Environment. Impact Assessment Limits, Current Trends. Classification of Environmental Management Projects: Natural Disasters, Source of Ecological Imbalance. Causes and Effects: Project: Presentation of Exercises with Specific Themes, Correlated with the Course Material: - Presentation to Students of Representative Examples - Analysis of Examples of Urban Problem Solving Through Urban Interventions Based on Sustainable Development Principles - Evaluation Session, Critical Discussions on Proposed InterventionsARA4209ArchitectureUG/MSc4th2 (S)3
38Architectural Complex Design1.House of Music: Urban Integration Study: Functional Integration Volumetric Integration Study of the Cultural Program: Concert Hall Rehearsal Rooms, Exhibition and Leisure Spaces Complementary Functions (Cafes, Restaurants) 2. SketchARA5101ArchitectureUG/MSc5th1(W)13
39Architectural Complex Design1. Hybrid Building: - Urban Integration Study: - Functional Integration - Volumetric Integration - Study of the Services/Offices Program: - Conference Rooms - Sports and Leisure Facilities - Complementary Functions (Cafes, Restaurants) 2. Sketch ARA5201ArchitectureUG/MSc5th2 (S)13
40Urban Composition1. Defining Elements of the Compositional Process: Theories and Aesthetic Concepts Methods of Composition of Urban Ensembles: Procedures, Means, and Compositional Effects 2. Reading the Urban Spatial Structure Urban Image Urban Spatial Forms Urban Spatial Differentiation Urban Space Plasticity 3. Analysis of Significant Examples Evaluation Criteria and Analysis Grids Case Studies – Urban Ensembles and Public Squares ARA5103ArchitectureUG/MSc5th1(W)3
41Urban CompositionProject Studies for the Organization of Urban Areas: Presentation of the Main Elements of Urban Planning Regulations (alignments, height regime, groupings, land occupation mode) Graphic Representation at the Level of a Zonal and Detailed Urban PlanARA5203ArchitectureUG/MSc5th2 (S)2
42Landscape Architecture1. Introduction. The general structure of course. Context. The definition of the concept of LANDSCAPE. The relation between LANDSCAPE-SITE-URBAN FRAME-ENVIRONMENT ARCHITECTURAL OBJECT. 2. Classification, typology; elements of sensitive reading of Landscape. 3. Landscape structure. The relationship between environment, Site, Urban framework, object architecture. The relation between Building and Landscape. 4. Garden - philosophical and aesthetic direction. Cosmogonic theories. Archetypes garden. Site and sacredness. 5. Elements of language on reading and interpreting the landscape. Relationship Architecture / Construction / Frame Urban / Landscape / City. 6. Perceptual, aesthetic, symbolic, functional, cultural and historical Tools. Intervention in the landscape. 7. Evolution of Art Gardens. Landscape gardens styles: characteristics, evolution. 8. Landscape styles: modern tendencies of style development. Aesthetic principles and categories in landscape design. Functional and esthetic and landscape architecture. 9. Patterns of green spaces. Classifications, categories, features. 10. Designing urban green spaces. Green function. The green areas in the city.ARA5105ArchitectureUG/MSc5th1(W)2
43Landscape ArchitectureProject 1. Short Project: Study Project of Composition Rules and Landscape Styles – Urban Acupuncture 2. Long Project: Final Study Project of Composition Rules and Landscape Styles - Urban ParksARA5205ArchitectureUG/MSc5th2 (S)2
44Design1. The Issue of Design: - Technosphere and the Technical Phenomenon - Premises for the Emergence and Development of Industrial Design 2. The History of Design: - Currents in Art and Design - Pioneers of Modern Design and Architecture - Premises - Modern Design - Contemporary Design 3. The Basics of Design Perception: - Function and Form - The Life of Form in Design 4. Form, Color, Light: - Style, Ornament, Design - Significance and Color Codes 5. Creativity (Creatology): - Psychological Theories and Techniques for Stimulating Creativity - The Issue of Design Methodology 6. Stages of the Creative Process: - Genesis of Creativity - Theories on Creativity 7. Advertising Graphics: - PackagingARA5106ArchitectureUG/MSc5th1(W)2
45DesignProject Presentation of Theme - Analysis of an Interior Design Project: - Analysis of Student Documentation - Presentation by Students of Analysis Schemes - Individual/Team Guidance Activities - Self-Evaluation Session, Critical Discussions on Detailed Analyzed Examples, Analysis of Own Projects, Presentation and Defense of the Design Project, Approaches, and Design Principles UsedARA5106ArchitectureUG/MSc5th2(S)2
46Ecological ArchitectureARA5109ArchitectureUG/MSc5th1(W)4
47Practical Training - Research Methods in ArchitectureARA5209ArchitectureArchitecture5th2 (S)2
48Communication techniques in architectureARA5211ArchitectureUG/MSc5th2 (S)2

Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering

No.Name of the course Main ChaptersStudy Plan CodeField of studyLevel of study (Undergrad./Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1Discrete Event Systems Untimed Petri Net (PN) models; Behavioral and structural properties of PNs; Design of discrete event systems based on PN models. PN models with deterministic timing. Applications to physical systems modellingAIA306Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate323
2Queueing SystemsModeling and analysis of homogeneous discrete-time / continuous-time Markov chains. Modeling and analysis of markovian queueing systems. Theoretical and experimental study of some typical applications (operating, manufacturing, communications, transportation systems). Usage of MATLAB (Statistics and Machine Learning. Toolbox, SimEvents, Petri Net Toolbox) IA414Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate414
3Microprocessor-Based Systems8051 Architecture, 8051 Assembly language programming 8051 C programming 8051 Timer/Counter operation 8051 Serial communication 8051 Interrupt programming 8051 Interfacing External Memory and PeripheralsAIA302Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate315
4Data transmissionTransmission media. Error detection and correction. Baseband data transmission. Modulation techniquesAIA402Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate414
5Remote process control Networked control systems modeling and control. Remote predictive controlA416Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate425
6Pneumatic DrivesProperties of Compressed Air. Thermodynamic Processes. Engineering Flow Rate Calculations. Electro-Mechanical Converters. Cylinders. Directional Control Valves. Shut-Off Valves. Proportional Directional Control Valves. Designing pneumatic circuitA313Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate315
7Real -Time ApplicationsScheduler. Tasks. ISRs. Communication via message queues. Semaphores for sharing passive resources. Trace faciilities and hooksAIA403Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate415
8Neural Networks and Fuzzy LogicArchitecture. Approximation. Classification Identification and control). Fuzzy systems (sets, logic, control)IA418Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate425
9Statistics and Data ProcessingAIA211Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate225
10Control EngineeringContinuous Control Systems Design: Tuning PID controllers, Pole placement design, Complex control systems design- cascade, feedforward, ratio and split range control, Smith predictor; Digital Control Systems Design: Pole placement in discrete time, Dead-beat control, Non-interacting control of multivariable systems, State space control, Predictive controlAIA401Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate414
11Robotics Industrial robots. Forward and inverse kinematics. Robot workspace. Path planning. Robot programmingAIA305Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate324
12Knowledge based systemsKnowledge representation. First order logics. Resolution. Semantic networks. Frames. Expert systems. Rule-based programmingIA413Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate414
13Fundamentals of Feedback ControlLinear transfer function/state space system models. Stability analysis. Time domain analysis of dynamic systems. Frequency response and Bode plotsAIA207Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate225
14Data SecurityTI.DS.417Computer and Control EngineeringUndergraduate424

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

No.Name of the courseMain ChaptersStudy Plan codeField of studyLevel of study (Undergrad./Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1Roads 1CF302Civil EngineeringUG315
2Roads 2CF310Civil EngineeringUG325
3Reinforced Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Bridges 1CF312Civil EngineeringUG324
4Steel Bridges 1CF313Civil EngineeringUG324
5Computer Assisted Design for Roads and BridgesCF314Civil EngineeringUG323
6Reinforced Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Bridges 2CF402Civil EngineeringUG415
7Steel Bridges 2CF403Civil EngineeringUG416
8Roads 3CF404Civil EngineeringUG415
9Road rehabilitationCF409Civil EngineeringUG413
10Bridge rehabilitationCF411Civil EngineeringUG423
11Road and highway trafficCF412Civil EngineeringUG423
12Computer Aided DesignCI309Civil EngineeringUG323
13Electrical Installations 1CI311Civil EngineeringUG324
14Electrical Installations 2CI404Civil EngineeringUG415
15Applied InformaticsCI305Civil EngineeringUG314
16Heating Systems 1CI301Civil EngineeringUG314
17Heating Systems 2CI307Civil EngineeringUG325
18Descriptive Geometry1) Introduction: Short history. Projection systems: central projection system and parallel projection system. 2) The point: Plotting of a point in double orthogonal projection. Plotting of a point in treble orthogonal projection. Characteristic positions of a point. Descriptive alphabet of a point.3) The line: Line’s projections. Line’s traces. Characteristic positions of a line. Relative positions of two lines. Finding the true length of a line segment. 4) The plane: Generating a plane. Plane’s traces. Planes parallel to projection planes. Planes perpendicular to projection planes. Relative positions of two planes. 5) The line and the plane: Finding the distance between a point and a plane. Visibility in draught. 6) Methods of Descriptive Geometry: Method of replacing the projection planes. Method of revolution. Method of folding. 7) Polyhedra: Plotting of polyhedra. Plane sections through polyhedra. Development of polyhedral surfaces. Intersection of a line with a polyhedron. Polyhedra intersections.CE105Civil EngineeringUG113
19Fundamentals of Fire Safety in Civil EngineeringCE308Civil EngineeringUG312
20Fire Safety EngineeringISE.IA.201Civil EngineeringM214
21Engineering GeologyIntroduction to Geology Mineral and Rocks Planetary Geology The Erath Volcanoes Earthquakes Plate TectonicsCC203Civil EngineeringUG213
22Foundations under special conditionsSoils with large swellings and shrinkages. Soils sensitive to wetting. Technologies for improving difficult foundationsCC413Civil EngineeringUG423
23Special problems of foundationsSoils with large swellings and shrinkages. Soils sensitive to wetting. Technologies for improving difficult foundationsCF413Civil EngineeringUG423
24Complements of engineering geologyIG.IA.114Civil EngineeringM123
25Foundations for special constructionsIG.IA.204Civil EngineeringM213
26Special geotechnical problems and foundations for transport infrastructuresIMT.IA.206Civil EngineeringM213
27Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems 11.Introduction to HVAC Systems 2. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer 3. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) 4.Ventilation SystemsCI302Civil EngineeringUG314
28Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems 21. Air Conditioning Systems 2.Components of HVAC Systems 3. HVAC Design and Sizing 4. Energy Efficiency in HVACCI308Civil EngineeringUG325
29Civil Buildings1. Classification of constructions and buildings. Buildings components 2. Basic requirements for construction works. Performance concept. Technical specifications. Design and construction legislation in Romania. 3. Dimensional coordination and tolerances in constructions 4. Actions on structures. Classification and evaluation of actions 5. General notions on building engineering physicsCC213Civil EngineeringUG223

Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management

No.Name of the courseMain ChaptersStudy Plan codeField of studyLevel of study (Undergrad./Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1ChemistryIntroductory notions (atoms and molecules; chemical bonds; substances and mixtures of substances; laws of chemistry); Chemical thermodynamics; Chemical kinetics; Chemical equilibrium; Electrochemistry; Corrosion and corrosion protection; Chemistry of lubricants; Water: industrial water and wastewater; Macromolecular compounds applied in the technics.IInd-1.05.DFIndustrial EngineeringUndergraduate112
2Theoretical Mechanics 1Systems of forces; center of mass; statics of particle, statics of the rigid body statics of systems; particle kinematics; rigid body kinematics; dynamics of the particle; rigid body dynamics (Getting Started)IInd-2.04-DIDIndustrial EngineeringUndergraduate126
3Theoretical Mechanics 2Rigid body dynamics (physical values, principles, theorems); moments of inertia; particular dynamics of rigid body motions; elements of analytical mechanics - D'Alembert dynamic equilibrium equations.IInd-3.04-DIDIndustrial EngineeringUndergraduate213
4MechanicsSystems of forces; center of mass; statics of particle, statics of the rigid body statics of systems; particle kinematics; rigid body kinematics.IMan-2-04-DID-TEngineering and ManagementUndergraduate226
5Tolerance and dimensional controlI. Liniar dimensions (Characteristics of the ISO tolerances and fits system, selection of tolerances and fits), II. Surfaces macrogeometrical form III. Orientation and relative position/location deviation IV. Control of angles between plane surfaces V. Conical surfaces, VI. Threads VII Keyway joints, VIII Gears IInd-4.04-DIDMechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Engineering and managementUndergraduate225
6Fluid Mechanics (1)1. Physical properties of fluids. 2. Basics of tensor calculus in orthonormal bases. 3. Fluid kynematics. 4. Fundamental equations of fluid mechanics. 5. Fluid statics. 6. Fluid dynamicsIInd-4.03-DIDMechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Engineering and managementUndergraduate225
7Engineering ThermodynamicsIntroduction (Systems. Thermodynamic state and properties. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Reversible and irreversible processes); The first law (Different statements of the first law. The first law for closed and open systems); The ideal gas ( Ideal gas laws. Specific heats. Ideal gas mixtures. Analysis of ideal gas processes); The second law (Cycles, balance equation, efficiency of direct and reverse cycles. The Carnot cycle. Different statements of the second law. Entropy and the second law for reversible and irreversible processes); Real gases (Andrews isotherms. Compressibility factor. Generalized compressibility chart. Virial equations of state); Vapor cycles (Saturated liquid, saturated vapor and superheated vapor properties. Phase diagrams. Vapor power and refrigeration cycles); Ideal gas cycles (Internal combustion engines. Vapor-compression refrigeration cycle. Gas turbines); Humid air ( Properties. Mollier diagram. Air conditioning processes)CMMI.L-4.08Mechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Engineering and managementUndergraduate223
8Electrical engineering and applied electronicsDirect current electrical circuits, elements of electrodynamics, magnetic materials, magnetic field, alternative current, elements of circuits in a.c., electric transformers, electric machines in c.c and a.c. Electronic devices, semiconductor diode, bipolar transistor, thyristor,amplifiers, logic integrated circuits definitions, logical functions, combinational logic circuits.CMMI-L-5.07aMechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Engineering and managementUndergraduate316
9Aerodynamics of Airfoil Cascades (1)1. Theoretical bases of potential flows 2. Steady plane potential flows 3. Steady hydrodynamics of isolated airfoilsIMEC-6.03.DIDMechanical engineeringUndergraduate313
10Aerodynamics of Airfoil Cascades (2)1. Introduction in vortex theory 2. Aerodynamics of finite wing 3. Bases of hydrodynamics of airfoil cascades 4. Steady hydrodynamics of linear airfoil cascadesMSHP-6.05-DSMechanical engineeringUndergraduate324
11Sheet Metal Cold Forming Technology ISheet Metal Cold Forming Technology ITCM-6.04-DSIndustrial engineeringUndergraduate325
12Sheet Metal Cold Forming Technology IISheet Metal Cold Forming Technology IITCM-7.03-DSIndustrial engineeringUndergraduate415
13Computer aided manufacturing – CAM systems• General and Technological principles of CAM technologies • Software: Cimco, NX CAM, ESPRIT, MASTERCAM • Data management over the life of products • Applications.CMMI-TCM-7.04Industrial engineeringUndergraduate417
14Processing technologies on numerically controlled machine tools• Design process quality assurance tools • Technological principles used in machining by means of CNC • Basic concepts of technological design in the G format • Applications.CMMI-TCM-7.07Industrial engineeringUndergraduate415
15Computer aided designComputer aided designCMMI-IEDM-7.05Engineering and managementUndergraduate415
16Computer aided design of the manufacturing systems 1Computer aided design of the manufacturing systems 1CMMI-SPD-7.06Industrial engineeringUndergraduate413
17Pumps, Blowers and Fans 1Generalities; Basic notions regarding turbo-pumps. Similitude and modeling of hydraulic machines. Fundamentals of hydrodynamic processes in turbo-pumps. Centrifugal pumps. Axial pumps.MSHP-7.03-DSMechanical engineeringUndergraduate414
18Pressure Welding Tehchnology 2General presentation of the welding pressure processes, Classification of the welding processes, Presentation of the main welding pressure processes (Resistance spot welding, Resistance seam Welding, Projection welding, Seam Welding, Friction Stir Welding, Duble Head Friction Welding, Fash Welding), Weldinfg defects, Development and approval of the Welding Procedure Specifications.IS-7.04-DSIndustrial engineeringUndergraduate413
19Pumps, Blowers and Fans 2Specific force on turbo-pumps elements and their equilibration. Characteristic curves of turbo-pumps. Cavitations in turbo-pumps. Basic notions regarding fans and turbo-blowers. Fundamentals of gas-dynamic processes in fans and turbo-blowers. Centrifugal and axial fans and turbo-blowers. Cross-flow fans. Characteristic curves for fans and turbo-blowers. Fan noises. Lobe blowers (Roots).MSHP-8.01-DSMechanical engineeringUndergraduate426
20Computer aided designComputer aided designCMMI-MFNT-8.01Mechanical engineeringUndergraduate425
21Computer aided design of the manufacturing systems 2Computer aided design of the manufacturing systems 2CMMI-SPD-8.05Industrial engineeringUndergraduate423
22Hydroelectric power plants1) Power engineering basics. 2) Hydrology and hydraulics basics. Hydrological circle. 3)Types of hydropower plants and integration of hydroelectric power plants in the electric power system. Pumped storage plants. 4) Electro-Hydromechanic components of a hydropower plant : turbines, valves, generators, transformers. Selection of the turbine, according to operating conditions. 5) Main components of hydropower structures: dams, gates, spillway, reservoir, water intake, headrace, pressure shaft/surge chamber, penstock, powerhouse, dissipation structures, fish passage, tailrace. 6) Monitoring and control of hydropower plants.MSHP-8.04-DSMechanical engineeringUndergraduate424
23Advanced Welding TechnologiesThe role of advanced technologies in the development of humanity: primary technologies, mature technologies and emerging technologies; civilization through technological development. Advanced welding technologies usable in the 21st century. The role of the microprocessor in advanced manufacturing/welding technologies. Advanced welding technologies that use thermal plasma. Advanced welding technologies that use the particle beam. Weldability of new materials and WAAM concept in welding technologies. Econometrics of advanced welding technologies.TAF-IA-104Industrial engineeringMaster514
24Dynamic Systems in Mechanical Enginering Introduction to fundamentals of system modelingTypes of causal models and remarkable properties. Systematic overview of some fundamental laws in Physics. Analogies between various physical domains. Modeling mechanical and hybrid systems by the bond-graph language. Controlled elements in the bond-graph language. Presentation of some specific software (20-SIM, Mathcad, MATLAB) with applications.TAF-IA-105Industrial engineeringMaster515
25Computer aided management of the industrial productsComputer aided management of the industrial productsCFAC-IA-108Industrial engineeringMaster525
26Maintenance ManagementThe management of the ”Production - Quality - Maintenance” triplet; The information system of the maintenance management; Dependability strategic management; Maintenance systems; FMECACMMI-IEDM-7.02Engineering and ManagementUndergraduate415
27Total Quality Management: Quality management tools, tools and techniquesStandards for quality systems, environmental management systems, occupational health and safety management etc.; Standardization, Certification, Accreditation in Romania and worldwide; Stakeholders and processes within a company. Capability of processes. Six sigma. Benchmarking. Competitive engineering. Designing of experiments. Quality Engineering in Taguchi's vision. Techniques for defect analysis.AI-IA-107Engineering and ManagementMaster524
28Statistical Data ProcessingElements of descriptive statistics; Types of graphical representations; Normal, poisson, uniform, Weibull, exponential dispersions and percentage calculus; Elimination of data affected by aberrant errors from simple data strings: Chauvenet’s criterion, Peirce’s criterion; Elimination of data affected by aberrant errors from grouped data series: Cochran’s criterion, Bartlett test. Testing of statistical hypotheses; thresholds of significance; interpreting the results. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, ?2, T. ANOVA procedure. The correlation between two quantitative variables. Assigning qualitative variables (nominal). Linear, nonlinear regression, other types. Gray's analysis. Time series.AI-IA-104Engineering and ManagementMaster514
29Conex Welding processes: A new approach to making an welding processA new approach to making an welding processCMMI-IS-7.06Engineering and IndustrialUndergraduate414
30Machine-Tools & Cutting 1Cutting Parameters, Chip Formation, Cutting Forces, Wear & Tool's Life, Kinematic Chains, Structural Elements of Machine-Tools, Speed Control MechanismsIMec-5.02-DIDMechanical engineeringUndergraduate316
31Cutting FundamentalsSurface generation, Kinematics, Cutting Parameters, Chip Formation, Plastic deformation, Cutting Forces, Heat, Wear & Tool's Life, Cutting Surface QualityIInd-6.02-DIDIndustrial engineeringUndergraduate316
32Nonconventional TechnologiesElectrical Discharge Machining, Electrochemical machining, Chemical Machining, Plasma and ion beam manufacturing processes, Ultrasonic manufacturing processes, Laser beam manufacturing processes, Electron beam manufacturing processes, Sand blasting, abrasive water jet cutting, Additive manufacturing, Welding technologies (ultrasonic welding, friction welding, laser, electron beam welding), surface coating technologies.CMMI-TCM-8.02Industrial engineeringUndergraduate424
33Advanced technologies of mechanical machining and assemblingIntegrated manufacturing - IT structures in integrated manufacturing and their inter-relationship, next generation manufacturing and the virtual enterprise. Advanced machining technologies. Advanced finishing and over-finishing technologies. Rapid prototyping technologies. Additive manufacturing. Advanced assembly technologies: DFA- design for assembly and DFMA- design for manufacturing and assembling; types, peculiarities and advantages of fully mechanical assemblies, technologies and advanced equipment for assembling plastic and glass parts, automation and robotization in assembly processes.TAF-IA-103Industrial engineeringMaster515
34Fundamentals of Scientific ResearchFundamentals of Scientific ResearchMPI, TAF-IA-110Industrial engineeringMaster526
35Optimization of Manufacturing TechnologiesThe principle of choosing the manufacturing technology process. Existence and uniqueness of the optimal solution without / with restrictions. Algorithms for optimizing problems dependent on a single variable / multiple variables without / with restriction. Dynamic optimization algorithms. General optimization by the Monte Carlo method. Heuristic, metaheuristic algorithms (Greedy type algorithms). Heuristic, metaheuristic algorithms (Tabu Search type algorithms). Combinatorial optimization. The problem of the travel agent. Determining the minimum path. Johnson's algorithm. Optimizing the launch of products in manufacturing. Establishment of reference values ??for the representative sizes accepted for the optimization criteria.CMMI-TCM-8.09Industrial engineeringUndergraduate423
36PhysicsPhysicsDIMA-109.DF DIIndustrial EngineeringUndergraduate114
37Physics 1, Physics 2Physics 1, Physics 2EDIF 132 Physics 1, EDIF139 Physics 2Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Information TechnologiesUndergraduate11 and 23 for sem.I, and 4 for sem.II
38Computer aided manufacturing technologies• Programming in Gcode • Computer Assisted programming • Software • Materials and machining regimes • Postprocessors.CMMI –MPI-IA-107Industrial engineeringMaster126

Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management

No.Name of the course Main ChaptersStudy Plan codeField of studyLevel of study (Undergraduate/Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1CAD in Knitting Technology IIntroduction in M1plus Stoll Software. Main tools for programming the weft knitted fabrics.312.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG323
2CAD in Knitting Technology IIProgramming of basic weft knitted fabrics on M1plus Stoll Software406.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG416
3Flat knitting technology IIStoll automatic weft flat knitting machines403.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG416
4Elements of Textile DesignIntroduction in design/textile design. Structural design of textiles. Aesthetic textile design. Theory of colour. Textile design - Aplications.113.DIDIndustrial EngineeringUG125
5Industrial Design - Woven FabricsWoven fabrics structural characteristics. Geometrical modelling of woven fabrics. The mass and thickness of woven fabrics - calculus methods. Structural factors for woven fabrics. Technical calculations on reed and shafts.314.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG324
6Textile structures - Woven fabricsIntroduction to the field of woven fabrics structures. Functional design of woven fabrics (properties, construction parameters, structure/properties correlation). Drawing the draft for dobby weaving machines. Weave structures for simple woven fabrics. Compound woven fabrics (structural variants, construction method for double-face and double-layer weave structures). Aesthetic design of the woven fabrics (colour-and-weave effect, colour combinations).207.DID.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG224
7CAD - Woven fabricsMajor software manufacturers for CAD – Woven fabrics. Software classification. General/specific features. The operating mode for generating the weave pattern/draft/colour-and-weave effect/woven fabric simulation. 3D-modelling of simple and compound woven fabrics.402.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG415
8Metrology in Textile and Leather Metrology and links to the textile quality control. Standardization and standards. Textile metrology and applicable standards. The accuracy of a measurement process applied to textile/leather products: the essentials. Quality control strategies and protocols. Textile testing: from normative documents to protocols and practice. Customising the testing plan with measurements for the quality control of a textile material / product with specified end-use.204 DID DIIndustrial EngineeringUG214
9Computer Aided Graphics IICorel Draw - basic principles; sketches drawing; interactive effects; advertising models / Google SketchUp - basic principles; basic 3D models; advanced 3D models202.DF.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG216
10Basics of computer aided technological designModule 1 – Autocad 2D; Module 2 –Autocad3D; Module 3 –Inventor203.DID.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG224
11Industrial Technologies –YARNSRaw materials in spinning mills; Processing lines in spinning mills; Fiber preparation for carding; Carding; Doubling and drafting; Combing; Roving formation; Ring spinning; Rotor spinning.302.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG314
12General engineering in textiles & leather IIntroduction to textiles: Textile products and materials. Transforming fiber to yarn - Spinning mill. Woven fabric manufacturing – Weaving110.DID.DIIndustrial engineeringUG115
13Structure and design of woven fabricsDouble cloth (backed weaves, double weaves double cloth, double cloth pocket cloth. Special compound woven fabrics (weft and warp pile fabrics, terry pile structures, surface figured weaves – pigué, lappet weaves)Multi-layer technical fabrics. 303.DID.DIIndustrial engineeringUG316
14Industrial technologies - woven fabricsShort history of weaving, Raw materials, Yarn processing processes for fabrics manufacturing, Winding, Twisting, Warping (direct and sectional warping), Sizing, Drawing and knotting, Quilling, Weaving (classification of weaving machines, principle of weaving, shuttle, projectile, rapier and jer weaving machines, multiphase weaving, shedding systems)303.DS.DIIndustrial engineeringUG315
15Textile Structures – YarnsMain chapters: Yarns classification. The classification of yarns structure, the technological flow influence of the yarns structure, yarns structure, geometric structure implications. The characteristics of blend: blending objectives, types of proportions also connection relations among them, determination of the blend average characteristics. The characteristics of yarns: fineness, torsion, bulky, hairness, shrinkage, tensile strength (breaking force), elongation at break, stress-elongation curve, frictional behavior, bending behavior. Structure and the characteristics of twisted yarn, unconventional, fancy and special purpose yarns. Structure and characteristics of sewing thread.205.DID.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG215
16Industrial Design – YarnsMain chapters: Introduction. Types of yarn. Filability – theoretical aspects. Design of the fibre blend. Yarn design. The transfer of fibre characteristics in yarn characteristics. Fancy yarns design. Sewing thread design.313.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG324
17Industrial Design-clothingIndustrial design pattern making and grading of different category of textile garments. Design the garment tech pack305.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG325
18CAD-clothingCAD functions for designing patterns. CAD functions to realize markers.311.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG325
19Textile Structures - Knitted FabricsWeft knitted fabrics - basic evolutions, colour patterns, miss stitches, tuck stitches, transferred stitches, jacquard208.DID.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG215
20Aromatherapeutic TextilesEssential oils, textile materials used for topical applications, application of microparticles on textile substrates, analysis of aromatherapeutic textilesEFT.IA.101Chemical engineeringMSc117
21The basics of footwear and leather goods technology I Cutting technologies, Preparation technologies (splitting, skiving, punching, bending, etc)303 DS.DIIndustrial engineeringUG316
22The basics of footwear and leather goods technology IIStitching technologies for upper and sole, Bonding technologies, Lasting technologies)303 DS.DIIndustrial engineeringUG326
23Design and technology of leather goodsDesign and technology of small leather goods products, Design and technology of mediun leather goods products)407 DS.DIIndustrial engineeringUG416
24Footwear comfortAnatomy and biomechanics of the foot, Comfort components, Evaluation of foot comfort)DPPIM.IA.103Industrial engineeringMSc115
25Carbon footprint analysis in footwear industryCarbon footprint analysis in footwear industryDPPIM.IA.109Industrial engineeringMSc125
26Knitting fundamentals (I)Yarn preparation for knitting; Principles of loop formation; Basic knitting elements; Principles of weft knitting. Knitting cams; Principles of needle selection.302.DID.DIIndustrial engineeringUG316
27Knitting fundamentals (II)General classification and technical data of knitting machines. Basics on working mechanisms of weft and warp knitting machines. Technological parameters in knitting. Principles of producing different structures and forms on weft and warp knitting machines.303.DID.DIIndustrial engineeringUG324
28Color measurementBasics of color physics and physiology. Color attributes. Systems for color ordering. Color models. CIELab color space. Color matching in textile dyeing. Color difference. Instruments for color matching in the textile industry411.DIS.DOChemical engineeringUG413
29Basic Footwear Modelling and Pattern Making I, IIFoot anatomy, footwear structure and functions, mean forme, 3D modelling, 2D construction, manual pattern making302.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG31 and 27+6
30Moulds for footwear2D/3D CAD sole and heels modelling306.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG31 and 25+4
31Footwear Computer Aided Design IFootwear Computer Aided Design I309.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG327
32Footwear Manufacturing ProcessesFootwear Manufacturing Processes403.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG425
33Footwear and Leather Goods Fashion Design IPriciples of design, trends,concept, target group, moodboard405.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG416
34Footwear and Leather Goods Fashion Design IIProduct diversification, innovative concepts for footwear collections406.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG424
35Footwear Computer Aided Design IIFootwear Computer Aided Design II412.DS.DIIndustrial EngineeringUG416
36Product innovation in footwear industryProduct innovation in footwear industryDPPIM.IA.201Industrial EngineeringMSc114
37Special footwear design and technology 2 Orthopedic footwearDPPIM.IA.106Industrial EngineeringMSc125
38CAD for footwear and leather goods3D CAD modelling and 2D CAD pattern makingDPPIM.IA.101Industrial EngineeringMSc115
39Logistics ManagementLogistics ManagementIMA.405.DS.DIEngineering and ManagementUG414
40Quality ManagementQuality ManagementIMA.302.DID.DIEngineering and ManagementUG315
41Quality ManagementQuality ManagementMAA.110.DA.DIEngineering and ManagementMSc125
42The Basics of Systems EngineeringThe Basics of Systems EngineeringIMA.206.DS.DIEngineering and ManagementUG214
43Fundamentals of managementFundamentals of managementIMA.101.DID.DIEngineering and ManagementUG115
44Strategic ManagementStrategic ManagementMAA.202.DA.DIEngineering and ManagementMSc216
45Product Lifecycle ManagementProduct Lifecycle ManagementMAA.1 03.DA.DIEngineering and ManagementMSc124
46Marketing researchMarketing researchIMA.317.DS.DOEngineering and ManagementUG324
47Marketing researchMarketing researchMAA.115.DS.DOEngineering and ManagementMSc114
48Fundamentals of economics (I)MicroeconomicsIMA.103.DF.DIEngineering and ManagementUG115
49Fundamentals of economics (II)MacroeconomicsMA.108.DF.DIEngineering and ManagementUG125
50Product Lifecycle ManagementInnovation Management, Product Innovation, Product Lifecyle IMA.310.DS.DIEngineering and ManagementUG3 and 423
51Product Lifecycle ManagementInnovation Management, Product Innovation, Product Lifecyle IA. 103.DA.DIEngineering and ManagementMsc114
52Product Lifecycle ManagementInnovation Management, Product Innovation, Product Lifecyle IMPBS.103.DA.DIEngineering and ManagementMSc115
53Human Resources ManagementHuman Resources ManagementIMA.410.DID.DIEngineering and ManagementUG423
54Human Resources ManagementHuman Resources ManagementIMA.410.DID.DIEngineering and Management MSc113
55ManagementFundamentals of ManagementIMA.101.DID.DIEngineering and ManagementUG115
56Advanced Production SystemsAdvanced Production SystemsIMPBS.201.DA.DIEngineering and ManagementMSc225
57Operational ResearchOperational ResearchIM.204.DID.DIEngineering and ManagementUG215
58Environmental managementEnvironmental managementIM.401.DID.DIEngineering and ManagementUG414
59Probability and mathematical statisticsProbability and mathematical statisticsIM.201.DF.DIEngineering and ManagementUG215
60Marketing managementMarketing managementIM.302.DS.DIEngineering and ManagementUG314
61Business ModelsBusiness ModelsIMA.402.DS.DIEngineering and ManagementUG414

Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology

No.Name of the courseMain ChaptersStudy Plan codeField of studyLevel of study (UG/MSc)Year of studySemester (1/2)No.of ECTS
1OptoelectronicsDID405MElectronics and Telecommunications EngineeringUG423
2Modeling, simulation of electronic drive systemsDOS312EElectronics and Telecommunications EngineeringUG325
3ElectroacousticDOS311EElectronics and Telecommunications EngineeringUG325
4Digital video audio systemsDIS404EElectronics and Telecommunications EngineeringUG424
5High efficiency modern convertersSAEA.IA.106Electronics and Telecommunications EngineeringMSc126
6Satellite CommunicationsRC.IA.104Electronics and Telecommunications EngineeringMSc116
7Web Applications ProgrammingRC.IA.108Electronics and Telecommunications EngineeringMSc125

Faculty of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering

No.Name of the courseMain ChaptersStudy Plan codeField of studyLevel of study (Undergrad./Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1Modern mapping techniquesGC.IA.107 Geodetic engineeringMSc124+2
2Digital terrain modelingGC.IA.201Geodetic engineeringMSc216
3Ecological ManagementMEEnvironmental engineeringUG473
4Environmental assessmentsEMEnvironmental engineeringMSc125
5Aquifer depollution technologiesTDAEnvironmental engineeringMSc235
6Water Resources ManagementGRAEnvironmental engineeringUG415
7Water Resources ManagementGRACivil EngineeringUG415
8Water Resources ManagementGRACivil EngineeringUG415
9River Regulation and EmbankmentsRREnvironmental engineeringUG414
10River Regulation and EmbankmentsRRCivil EngineeringUG415
11River Regulation and EmbankmentsRRCivil EngineeringUG415
12Water WaysCNCivil EngineeringUG424
13ClimatologyCEnvironmental engineeringUG123
14Acquisition technologies, monitoring and diagnosis of the quality of environmental factorsTAMDEnvironmental engineeringUG425
15Hydraulics 1H1Civil EngineeringUG215
16Hydraulics 1H1Civil EngineeringUG215
17Hydraulics 2H2Civil EngineeringUG228
18Hydraulics 2H2Civil EngineeringUG228
19General notions regarding structuresCGCCivil EngineeringUG214
20Timber structuresCLCivil EngineeringUG422
21Hydrotechnical constructionsCHCivil EngineeringUG324
22EcologyEEnvironmental engineeringUG114
23Environmental EngineeringIMCivil EngineeringUG324
24Environmental EngineeringIMCivil EngineeringUG322
25Rural developmentDRCivil EngineeringUG425
26Hydrology and Hydrogeology 1HHg1Civil EngineeringUG315
27Photogrammetry IFOTO1Geodetic EngineeringUG224
28Photogrammetry IIFOTO2Geodetic EngineeringUG314
29Photogrammetry IIIFOTO3Geodetic EngineeringUG323
30Photogrammetry IVFOTO4Geodetic EngineeringUG415
31Remote SensingTDGeodetic EngineeringUG424
32Spatial data from photogrammetry and Remote SensingGC.IA.104Geodetic EngineeringMsc115
33Special hydraulicsIH.IA.102Civil EngineeringMsc116
34Modern water supply and sewerage systemsIH.IA.107Civil EngineeringMsc125
35Water supply and sewerage systems 1AAC1Civil EngineeringUG324
36Map projection 1CART1Geodetic EngineeringUG314
37Map projection 2CART2Geodetic EngineeringUG324
38Mathematical Geodesy 1GM1Geodetic EngineeringUG224
39Mathematical Geodesy 2GM2Geodetic EngineeringUG314
40Mathematical Geodesy 3GM3Geodetic EngineeringUG323+2
41Design and optimization of geodesic networksPRGGeodetic EngineeringUG424
42Spatial reference systemsGC.IA.101Geodetic EngineeringMSc115
43Positioning by GNSS methodsPMGGeodetic EngineeringMSc126
44Satellite geodesy 1GS1Geodetic EngineeringUG363
45Satellite geodesy 2GS2Geodetic EngineeringUG474
46Automation Elements in Environmental Engineering -Structure of a measurement and control system. Types of regulatorsCEnvironmental engineeringUG323
47Buildings Installations - Heating systems. Fire signaling and extinguishing systems. CCivil EngineeringUG412
48Buildings Installations - Heating systems. Fire signaling and extinguishing systems. CCivil EngineeringUG412
49Hydrology and Hydrogeology 2HHg2Civil EngineeringUG324
50Hydrology and Hydrogeology 2HHg2Civil EngineeringUG324
51Hydrology and Hydrogeology 2HHg2Environmental engineeringUG324

“Cristofor Simionescu” Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection

No.Name of the course Main ChaptersStudy Plan codeField of studyLevel of study (Undergrad./Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1Advanced water and air treatment technologiesEMSE IA 501Environmental EngineeringMaster115
2Solid waste managementEMSE IA 502Environmental EngineeringMaster115
3Environmental assessmentsEMSE IA 503Environmental EngineeringMaster115
4Environmental monitoringEMSE IA 504Environmental EngineeringMaster115
5Scientific researcherEMSE PA 505Environmental EngineeringMaster117
6Integrated environmental managementEMSE IA 506Environmental EngineeringMaster125
7Sustainable industrial productionEMSE IA 507Environmental EngineeringMaster125
8Sustainable energy productionEMSE IA 508Environmental EngineeringMaster124
9Sustainability indicators and circular economyEMSE IA 509Environmental EngineeringMaster125
10Ethics and integrityEMSE IA 510Environmental EngineeringMaster122
11Scientific researcherEMSE PA 511Environmental EngineeringMaster126
12Ecological restoration and soil remediationEMSE IA 512Environmental EngineeringMaster113
13Data acquisition and teletransmissionEMSE IA 513Environmental EngineeringMaster123
14Sustainable consumption and integrated product policiesEMSE IA 601Environmental EngineeringMaster215
15Life cycle assessmentEMSE IA 602Environmental EngineeringMaster215
16Industrial and ecological risk managementEMSE IA 603Environmental EngineeringMaster215
17Scientific research for disertation projectEMSE PA 604Environmental EngineeringMaster217
18Elaboration of the dissertation projectEMSE PA 605Environmental EngineeringMaster2215
19Scientific research for dissertation projectEMSE PA 606Environmental EngineeringMaster2215
20Eco-labellingEMSE IA 608Environmental EngineeringMaster214
21Risk assessment and managementMM IA 601Environmental EngineeringMaster215
22Physical chemistry of homogeneous and disperse systemsIPN IA 101Chemical engineeringMaster113
23Transport phenomena intensificationIPN IA 102Chemical engineeringMaster114
24Gas - liquid non-catalytic processesIPN IA 103Chemical engineeringMaster116
25Solid- fluid non-catalytic processesIPN IA 106Chemical engineeringMaster127
26Heterogeneous catalytic processesIPN IA 104Chemical engineeringMaster116
27Electrochemical processesIPN IA 107Chemical engineeringMaster126
28Anticorosive and decorative protection of metalsIPN IA 108Chemical engineeringMaster214
29Modern separation techniquesIPN IA 201Chemical EngineeringMaster216
30Nanomaterials and nanotehnologyIPN IA 202Chemical EngineeingMaster215
31Vegetable and microbial secondary metabolitesIBVEM 513.1Chemical engineeringMaster114
32Industrial microbiologyIBVEM 514.2Chemical engineeringMaster125
33Physical chemistry 1 - ThermodinamicsIC.203Chemical EngineeingUndergraduate216
34Physical chemistry 2 - KineticsIC.207Chemical engineeringUndergraduate224
35Transport phenomena, unit operations and equipments 1IC.206Chemical engineeringUndergraduate225
36Transport phenomena, unit operations and equipments 3IC.304Chemical engineeringUndergraduate314
37Physical process engineeringIC.405Chemical engineeringUndergraduate415
38Chemical processes engineeringISAPM.309Chemical engineeringUndergraduate325
39Electrochemical process engineeringISAPM.401Chemical engineeringUndergraduate416
40Modeling and design of chemical reactors 2 (heterogeneous reactors)ISAPM.403Chemical engineeringUndergraduate425
41Inorganic products engineering 1 (acids and hydroxides)ISAPM.404Chemical engineeringUndergraduate415
42Inorganic products engineering 2 (salts)ISAPM.405Chemical engineeringUndergraduate416
43Inorganic fertilizer products engineeringISAPM.407Chemical engineeringUndergraduate426
44Catalysis and technology of inorganic industryISAPM.413.1Chemical engineeringUndergraduate324
45Technology of building materialsISAPM.414.1Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate423
46Environmental protectionIPMI 114.1Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate114
47CommunicationIPMI 115.1Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate122
48Radiation Sources and Protection TechnologiesIPMI 216.1Chemical engineering/ Envirnonemtal EngineeringUndergraduate224
49Materials scienceIPMI.202Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate215
50Transfer phenomena and unit operations 2IPMI.301Environmental Engineering / Engineering and managementUndergraduate314
51Physical chemistry 1 - ThermodynamicsIPMI.303Chemical engineering/ Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate315
52Analysis and synthesis of technological processesIPMI.304Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate316
53Chemical and biological process engineeringIPMI.306Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate316
54 Equipments and technologies for air treatmentIPMI.309Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate324
55Equipments and technologies for air treatment-project designIPMI.310Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate323
56Technologies for Drinking and Industrial WaterIPMI 313Environmental Engineering / Engineering and managementUndergraduate324
57Physical Chemistry 2 - KineticsIPMI.312Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate324
58Technologies for Wastewater TreatmentIPMI.401Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate416
59Technologies for Wastewater Treatment project designIPMI.402Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate413
60Biotechnologies and BioremediationIPMI.403Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate416
61Waste Treatment Technologies and ValorizationIPMI.405Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate416
62Waste Treatment Technologies and Valorization project designIPMI.406Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate413
63Ecological managementIPMI.407Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate424
64Catalysis in environmental protectionIPMI.408Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate424
65Management of environmental projectsIPMI.409Environmental EngineeringUndergraduate423

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

No.Name of the courseMain ChaptersStudy Plan codeField of studyLevel of study (Undergrad./Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1Electrical EquipmentThermal stresses of electrical equipment, Electro-dynamic stresses of electrical equipment, Electric arc (DC and AC)Electric contact resistance, Fuses Circuit breakers, Contactors, Surge Arresters, Switch disconnectorsIEE.304.DID.DIEngineering and ManagementUndergraduate315
2Smart/Intelligent sensors Main chapters: Quasidigital sensors, smart temperature and humidity sensors, smart presure sensors, electronic nose, artificial skin, Arduino, ESP32 and RaspberryPiIAD.406.DS.DIElectrical engineeringUndergraduate415
3Sensors and Transducers II Resitive, capacitive, inductive, magnetic and optic sensors and application in industry, data acquisition using DAQB, cRIO, PLC LabVIEWIAD.403.DS.DIElectrical engineeringUndergraduate424
4Sensors and sensory systemsResitive, capacitive, inductive, magnetic and optic sensors and application in industry, data acquisition using PLCMCT.310.DI.DDMecanical engineeringUndergraduate322
5Measurements in electronics and telecommunicationsEDID205Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Information TechnologiesUndergraduate224
6Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMC fundamentals; Coupling mechanisms and EMI reduction techniques; EMC filters; Electromagnetic shielding; Electrostatic discharge, ESD; Instruments for measurement and analysis of electromagnetic emissions; RF transmission lines; Emissions and immunity tests;Bio-electromagnetic CompatibilityEL.306.DID.DIElectrical engineeringUndergraduate324
7Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMC fundamentals; Coupling mechanisms and EMI reduction techniques; EMC filters; Electromagnetic shielding; Electrostatic discharge, ESD; Instruments for measurement and analysis of electromagnetic emissions; RF transmission lines; Emissions and immunity tests;Bio-electromagnetic CompatibilityIAIE.405.DID.DIElectrical engineeringUndergraduate415
8Information systems for monitoring electricity consumption Evolution of energy metering systems; Power quality; Hardware components of Energy Monitoring Information Systems (EMIS); Software for EMIS; Case studies of EMIS.IEE.407.DS.DIElectrical engineeringUndergraduate424
9Sensors and Transducers I Systems Sensor Technologies, Temperature Measurement, Pressure Measurement, Flow Measurement, Level Measurement, Mass, Force and Torque Measurement, Vibration and Shocq Measurement, Rotational Motion TransducersEL.312.1.DS.DOElectrical engineeringUndergraduate323
10Fluid Mechanics 1. Properties of Fluids; 2. Basic Concepts of Fluid Mechanics; 3. Pressure and Fluid Statics; 4. Kinematics of the Flow; 5. Ideal-fluid Flow ; 6. Laminar Flow; 7. Turbulent Flow; 8. Steady Flow in Pipes; 9. Unsteady Flow in Pipes.EN.206.DID.DI.Power EngineeringUndergraduate214
11Utizations of the Electrical Energy 1. Lighting (photometry, light sources, sizing elements) 2. Low voltage Lighting Installations(structure and materials, sizing elements, power factor improvement and electro-security)3. Electrothermics(heating and welding installations)EL.303.DS.DIElectrical engineeringUndergraduate315
12Optimal utilization of the electrical Energy 1. Energy efficiency in electrothermics, 2. Energy efficiency in lighting, 3. Energy efficiency in electromecanic drives, 4. Energy efficiency of the electric networks, 5. Energy efficiency case studies in diferent industries, 6. Audit and power balancesIEE.408.DS.DIEngineering and managementUndergraduate424
13Numeric optimization techniques 1. Introduction to optimization 2. Single-variable optimization 3. Unconstrained multivariable optimization 4. Constrained optimization techniques 5. Multi-criteria optimization 6. Nature-Inspired Search MethodsCECM.IA.201Electrical engineeringMaster214
14Electrical circuits theory II Polyphase networks. Three-phase network structures. Powers three-phase networks, Multipole type circuits. Electric frequency filters. Long homogeneous lines. Transient regime.EL.208.DID.DIElectrical EngineeringUndergraduate224
15General energetics 1. Energy - a global problem, 2. Hydropower, 3. Nuclear energy, 4. Solar energy, 5. Wind power, 6. Electrochemical conversion, 7. HydrogenEN.208.DID.DIPower engineeringUndergraduate224
16Power Systems IISE.404.DS.DIPower EngineeringUndergraduate416
17Power Systems IIISE.409.DS.DIPower EngineeringUndergraduate422
18Systems with Artificial IntelligenceIAIE.407.DS.DIElectrical EngineeringUndergraduate423
19Power System Stability and ControlMSE.IA.104Power EngineeringMaster115
20Computer Programming and Programming Languages 1 Main chapters: General aspects of computing systems, How to use an IDE, Main types of C language, I/O functions, Operator precedence, if-else, switch () for(), while() and do-while()EH1.106.DF.DIComputer Science, Electrical EngineeringUndergraduate114
21Computer Programming and Programming Languages 2 Main chapters:Array types of C, Struct data, Working with data file I/O, Functions, Graphic lybrary (glut), Lists, treesEH1.108.DF.DIComputer Science, Electrical EngineeringUndergraduate125
22Python ProgrammingIAIE.302.DS.DIComputer ScienceUndergraduate314
23Modeling and simulation of the electromagnetic field applications Main chapters:1.Vectorial calculus 2.Introduction in modeling and simulation of the electromagnetic field applications 3.Review of electromagnetic field theory 4.Numerical methods for electromagnetic field modeling 5.Finite difference method 6.Finite difference method in time domain 7.Finite element method 8.Structure of a software package for electromagnetic field modelingIAIE.301.DS.DIElectrical EngineeringUndergraduate315
24 Strategies and optimal decisions in power systemsEN.413.1.DS.DOPower EngineeringUndergraduate425
25Modern control techniques in power systemsMSE.IA.202Power EngineeringMaster216
26Smart grids 1.Challenges in electrical networks 2.Fundamental concepts of SG 3.Measurements in SG 4. Microgrids 5. Energy storage 6.Communication systems in SG 7.Energy management in SG ETI.408.DS.DIPower EngineeringUndergraduate424
27Numerical methods 1.Numerical errors 2.Interpolation Methods 3.Numerical solutions to nonlinear Equations 4.Numerical solutions to Linear system Equations 5.Numerical Differentiation 6.Numerical Integration.EN.202.DF.DIPower EngineeringUndergraduate215
28Electrical machines IEL.210.DID.DIElectrical EngineeringUndergraduate225
29Electrical machines IIEL.302.DID.DIElectrical EngineeringUndergraduate315
30 Equipments and thermal installations IEN.305.DID.DIPower EngineeringUndergraduate314
31 Energy buildingsMEM.IA.103Power EngineeringMaster114
32Computer-aided optimization of electrical circuitsIAIE.314.2.DS.DOElectrical EngineeringUndergraduate314
33Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringIM.112.DID.DIElectrical EngineeringUndergraduate125
34Power system protections ISE.407.DS.DIPower EngineeringUndergraduate423
35Sustainable development - strategies and prognosisIMCG.202.DA.DIEngineering and managementMaster214

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

No.Name of the course Main ChaptersStudy Plan codeField of studyLevel of study (Undergrad./Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1Materials Science and EngineeringStructure of materials; Methods for analyzing the structure of materials; Physico-chemical constitution of materials; Diffusion in materials; Thermodynamics of material systems; Balance charts; Solidification of metallic materialsMTC.103.DI.DDAutomotive Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Mechatronics and RoboticsUndergraduate114
2Computer Programming and Programming LanguagesData structures. Computational environment. Programming and mathematical software. Vectors and matrices. Polynomials and interpolation. Symbolic and numerical calculus in Matlab. Logical and relational operators. Special functions. Numerical integration. Solution of linear algebraic equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. Solving non-linear equations and systems of non-linear equations. Graphics in Matlab. Programming in C/C++MTC.106.DI.DFAutomotive Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Mechatronics and RoboticsUndergraduate115
3Applied Thermodynamics 1Introduction, Energy and First Law of Thermodynamics, Properties and Gas Laws, Second Law AnalysisMTC.110.DI.DDAutomotive Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Mechatronics and RoboticsUndergraduate125
4ChemistryIntroductory notions (atoms and molecules; chemical bonds; substances and mixtures of substances; laws of chemistry); Chemical thermodynamics; Chemical kinetics; Chemical equilibrium; Electrochemistry; Corrosion and corrosion protection; Chemistry of lubricants; Fuels; Water: industrial water and wastewater; Macromolecular compounds applied in the technicsMTC.111.DI.DFAutomotive Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Mechatronics and RoboticsUndergraduate123
5Materials TechnologyProcess of production; Materials properties;The elaboration and cast of usual alloys; The plastic deformation of metallic materials; The welding of metallic materials;The processing of compound materials and nonmetals.MTC.113.DI.DFMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate124
6Strenght of Materials 1 Introduction; Materials testing. Mechanical and elastic characteristics; Materials testing, influencing factors. Simplifying assumptions in SM; Energy theorems and methods; Axial stresses, statically determined problems; Axial stresses, heavy weight bars, equal strength solid. Axial stresses, statically indeterminate problems, lifting indeterminacy by geometric methods; Axial stresses, statically indeterminate problems; Lifting indeterminacy by geometric methods and energy methods; Axial stresses, statically indeterminate problems, lifting indeterminacy by FEM; Conventional shear design, joint design; Torsional stress, statically determined problems; Torsional stress, statically indeterminate problems; Bending stress, calculation of stresses and strains; Bending, equal strength solid, rational sections, longitudinal slip; Bending, statically determined problems; Bending, statically determined problems; Bending, statically indeterminate problems; Longitudinal buckling; Calculation of lattice beams; Fundamentals of variable stress design (fatigue); Elements of elasticity theorie (TE): General state of stresses. Tensile stresses and strains. Variation of stresses around a point; Principal stresses and strains, principal directions; Mohr's circles for plane and spatial state of stresses; Fundamental equations of TE. Deformation potential energy (3D); Relationship between elastic characteristics (E, G and ?); Tensor rosette; Limit state theoriesMTC.202.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate217
7Applied Thermodynamics 2Power Cycles - vapor and gas; Refrigeration Cycles, Heat Pumps; Introduction in Heat TransferMTC.204.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate216
8Strength of Materials 2Failure theories (Rankine, Tresca, von Mises, Mohr-Coulomb etc.); Multiaxial loading; Calculus for compound state of stress: unsymmetric bending, eccentric axial loads, circular shafts etc.; Torsion of noncircular members and shafts; Frames; Curved bars; Hyperstatic systems; Thin-walled vessels; Thick-walled tubes; Spinning discs; Design for impact loadsMTC.208.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate224
9Mechanisms This course introduces the principles of designing mechanisms. Students will investigate the kinematics and dynamics of machinery. Topics include fundamentals of linkage kinematics and design, gear kinematic analysis, cam mechanisms analysis, and integrating common mechanisms for a machinery group projectMTC.203.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate217
10Machine Elements 1Design methodology; General Design Criteria; Safety at static loads; Variable load safety; Threaded Joints; Transmissions (belts, chains and gears)MTC.209.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate226
11Mechanical VibrationsHarmonic and periodic motion; theory of free and forced vibrations in linear elastic systems with one or more degrees of freedom; theoretical models for the study of longitudinal vibration, torsional and transverse straight bars; free vibration, damped and undamped; harmonically excited vibration; transient responses; vibration damping, isolation and absorption elementary energy methods; multi-degree of freedom systems; usual approximate methods (Rayleigh, Ritz) for vi study; getting started in the study of nonlinear vibration, random vibration, shocks; noise; characteristics and noise-vibration correlation; sources of vibration and noise from machinery; solving specific vibration design problemsMTC.212.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate224
12Fundamentals of Systems Theory/AutomationAutomated system concept; standard signals; computation techniques in time domain (pulses train; convolution); computation techniques based on Laplace transform, on frequency method, on sampling theorem; transfer function; systems operating regimes; analysis of the systems quality; stability analysis fundamentals (Routh-Hurwitz, Nyquist); mechatronic system structure; practical experience with LabVIEW in transfer functions, the close loop stability analysis based on Nyquist criterion, the frequency and time response analysis of automated/mechatronics systems.MTC.305.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate314
13Renewable Energy Renewable Energy - fundamentals, solar, wind, hydro and marine, geothermal, biomassIM.313.DO.DS-1Mechanical EngineeringUndergraduate313
14Machine Elements 2Axles and shafts; Connections between hubs and shafts; Sliding bearings; Rolling Bearings; Joints with elastic elements and dampers; CouplingsMTC.301.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate317
15Finite Element Method (FEM)Introductory elements; Basics of deformable body mechanics used in FEA - Elasticity. Plasticity. Nonlinearity; Basics of FEA - Evaluation of strains and stressesMTC.302. DI. DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate314
16Basics of Robotics Introduction; Manipulator mechanical structure; Coordinate transformations; Forward and inverse kinematics; Manipulator statics and dynamics; Trajectory planningMCT.307.DI.DDMechatronics and RoboticsUndergraduate325
17Electrical EngineeringElectric and magnetic circuits (DC circuits, Magnetic circuits, AC circuits, The elements of the circuits in permanent sinusoidal regime, Powers in alternating current circuits,Three-phase electrical circuits; Electric transformers; Asynchronous electric machines; DC electric machinesMTC.303.DI.DDMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate313
18Heat Transfer Introduction; Energy balance in thermal systems;1D, 2D conduction in steady-state and transient; Numerical solution methods; Heat, impulse and mass transfer analogies; Forced external and internal convection; Natural convection; Radiation heat transfer; Heat exchangersSET.308.DI.DSMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate325
19BiomechanicsBasics of biomechanics of the human locomotor system: general biomechanics and systemic biomechanicsRBT.309.DI.DSMechatronics and RoboticsUndergraduate324
20CompressorsVolumetric reciprocating compressors; Volumetric rotary compressors; Dynamic radial and axial compressorsSET.309.DI.DSMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate325
21Design and computation of automotive transmissionsManual gearboxes, clutches, torque converters, synchronizers, hybrid and electrical vehicle transmissionsCA.312.DI.DSAutomotive engineeringUndergraduate326
22Turbomachinery Radial and axial compressors; steam and gas turbinesIM.411.DO.DS-1Mechanical EngineeringUndergraduate424
23Data Acquisition Systems and InterfacesSignals; Statistical processing of signals; Mathematical transformations applied to signals; Data acquisition; Sampling signals; Dithering signals; The phenomenon of aliasing; Correlation function, autocorrelation amplitude-frequency spectra, power spectra; Types of filters and filtering signalsMCT.401.DI.DD.Mechanical Engineering/ Mechatronics and RoboticsUndergraduate413
24Refrigeration MachinesRefrigeration machines, refrigeration system, refrigerants, mechanical / absorption / jet refrigeration, thermoelectric effectSET.401.DI.DSMechanical EngineeringUndergraduate418
25Mobile roboticsThis course will introduce the basic principles of mobile robotics history, theory, hardware and control. Topics will include robot components, effectors and actuators, locomotion, sensors, feedback control, control architectures, representation, localization and navigation.RBT.402.DI.DSMechatronics and RoboticsUndergraduate425
26Internal Combustion Engines Construction and Calculus Presentation of the theoretical bases of operation, as well as the real processes that take place in the internal combustion engines; Constructive and functional aspects of the engine elements, fuel system, gas distribution system, lubrication and cooling system.AR.404.DI.DSAutomotive EngineeringUndergraduate416
27Manufacturing Technologies Industrial processes; Production process; Technological process; Construction technology; Surface condition; Processing of external cylindrical surfaces; Processing of inner cylindrical surfaces; Planing of flat surfaces;Thread processing technology; Milling of gears; Stamping and punching; Special processing technologies; Welding technologies; Rapid prototyping; Injection of plasticsCA.410.DI.DSAutomotive EngineeringUndergraduate425
28Artificial Cooling Air conditioning principles and systems; Renewable energies for air conditioning and refrigeration; Refrigeration and freezing in food industry; Refrigeration load for cold storage rooms; Transportation of refrigerated foods; Ice making; Ice skating rinks; Artificial ground freezing; Concrete cooling; Artificial cooling in chemical industrySET.413.DO.DS-1Mechanical EngineeringUndergraduate423
29Automotives testing The course contains the classification and preparation of road vehicle tests, the vehicle’s installation tests, general test for the entire vehicle, safety tests.AR.408.DI.DSAutomotive EngineeringUndergraduate425
30Polymers: Properties and processingPolymer structure; Polymer classification; Physical and thermodynamic properties of polymers; Technological procedures for polymer processing; Polymer testing; Fields of useIM.412.DO.DS-2Mechanical EngineeringUndergraduate414
31Biomimetics Introduction; Basics in micro- and nano-tribology; Friction and adhesion in biological systems; Micro- and nanoscale test equipment; Electroactive polymers as artificial muscle; Biological inspired robots; Biomimetic hand. Robotic arm; Human skin. Bioinspired smart skin; Tribology of human joints; Biological inspired sensorsMA.IA.104.DSMechatronics and RoboticsMaster115
32Nonconventional ActuatorsPrinciples of operation and examples with actuators based on ”smart materials” such as: shape memory alloys; piezoelectric, electro and magneto-strictive materials; electro and magneto-rheological fluids, electroactive polymers MA.IA.108. DSMechatronics and RoboticsMaster126
33Vibroacoustic Diagnosis/ Vibroacoustic Analysis of Automotive Systems Vibroacoustic signals; Time analysis; Frequency analysis; Time-frequency analysis; Rolling bearings diagnosis; Gears diagnosis; Electrical motors diagnosisDETIM.IA.108/ CMPA.IA.108Mechanical EngineeringMaster123
34Experimental Data ProcessingBasic principles of data acquisition and processing; data acquisition boards; signal conversion principles; analogue/digital and digital/analog converters; sensors and transducers; signal conditioning (analyzers, filters, amplifiers, integrators, differentiating); acquisition and distance data transmission; programming languages for data acquisition and processing (LabVIEW soft).DETIM.IA.102/ STA.IA.102 Mechanical Engineering/ Automotive EngineeringMaster114
35Correlated Performances of Road Traffic ParticipantsTransmission of knowledge on vehicle drivers reaction, depending on various factors driving, errors that may occur, and correlating performance drivers of vehicles and other road usersSPCR.IA.103Automotive EngineeringMaster116
36Road Accidents StudyTransmission of knowledge on accidentological researches, acquisition and interpretation of traces from road accidents, processing dataSPCR.IA.101Automotive EngineeringMaster116
37Fracture mechanicsThe actual behavior of the materials and the notion of defect; Mechanisms of brittle and ductile rupture nucleation; Statistical representations, dispersion of characteristics for defective materials; Micro-fissures in materials and their propagation conditions; Calculation of Resistance based on the concepts of Fracture mechanics; Criteria for fissure propagation, breaking, Fracture toughness; Study of static and dynamic fracture mechanisms in materials and structures; Establishing the fracture toughness criteria for a more precise definition of resistance to different loadings)DETIM.IA.103Mechanical EngineeringMaster116
38Risk analysis and expertise in Mechanical EngineeringTerminology practice expertise: method, approach, instrument; Diagnostic tools and evaluation approach; Sources of risk, In-Service Inspection; Probabilistic models for risk assessment; Methods for determination of defects; Analytical models to detect and locate faults; Analysis of systems with faulty actuators; Maintenance system based on the diagnosisDETIM.IA.107Mechanical EngineeringMaster125
39Tehnical Regulations and Approval of Automotive and ComponentsEuropean rules into effect concerning the approval of road vehicles and their components; Romanian and European legislation concerning the approval; technical standards that must meet each subset separately, and the vehicle as a whole, to be homologatedCMPA.IA.109Automotive EngineeringMaster124
40Technical Standards for Road Traffic SafetyTechnical performances and maintenance conditions in Romania; Checking the technical condition of vehicles; Methods and means of diagnosing vehiclesSPCR.IA.108Automotive EngineeringMaster125
41Engineering ethics and integrityGeneral information on ethics and integrity. Objectives, methods, definitions, , interdisciplinary approaches. Traditions, theoretical and applied ethics. Professional deontology. Concept of integrity. Proper conduit in scientific research, technological development and innovation. Personal integrity. Reputation (individual and public). Corruption, conflict of interests, transparency. Ethical careers; integrity whistleblowers; ethics counselors. Harassment and inadequate behavior in collectivity. MTFC.IA.110Mechanical EngineeringMaster122
42Project Management Generalities of Project Management; Organization management by projects; Project Management specific processes; Project Management in scientific researchDETIM.IA.106Mechanical EngineeringMaster123
43Transfer Processes, Modelling and SimulationTransfer coefficients, engineering correlations, Mathematical formulation, Engineering numerical methods, numerical methods for solving conductive heat transfer, compressible and incompressible flows, convection – diffusion eqns)MTFC.IA.109Mechanical EngineeringMaster125
44Alternative Energy Sources for Sustainable DevelopmentRenewable energy and climate change, technologies and markets, Integration into present and future energy systems, Policy, implementation and financing, sustainable developmentMTFC.IA.201Mechanical EngineeringMaster214
46Modern systems for railway transportModeling of high-speed trains; the bogie; gearbox; motor; double cardan transmission; sustainability electric motor bearings; the influence of the complexity of railway routes on the maximum speed of train and its transmissionsSTCF.IA.202Mechanical EngineeringMaster215
47Road Traffic Safety ManagementRoad traffic safety, evolution and perspectives; Institutional organization of road safety; Visions on road safety; Road safety strategies; Increasing road safety through the construction, reconstruction and design of road infrastructure; Improving road safety by designing safer vehicles; Improving road safety through education and road education campaigns; Improving road safety through measures to enforce road legislation; Determining, updating and improving the use of social costs of road accidentsSPCR.IA.203Automotive EngineeringMaster215
48Advanced FEA (Advanced Finite element analysis)Theoretical basis concerning the use of FEA in Mechanical Engineering; Non-linear FEA.; Python programming language. Internet resources and E-learning in the FEA-CAE field; The Concepts: CFD, „Multiphysics”, MES, “Mechanical Event Simulation”. Structural optimization by use of FEA.DETIM.IA.208-1Mechanical EngineeringMaster215
49Unconventional Thermal Machines Stirling engine, Ericsson engine, Vuilleumier machineMTFC.IA.204Mechanical EngineeringMaster215

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

No.Name of the course Main ChaptersCode from the Study PlanField of studyLevel of study (Undergraduate/Master)Year of studySemester (1/2)No. of ECTS
1Advanced ceramic materials Advanced ceramic materials used to transport, in electronics and in the cutting process Advanced ceramic materials for nuclear techniques and with electro-magnetic properties)Engineering; materials engineeringMaster616
2Metallic Materials (2)Stainless steel, high temperature resistant materials, hard steel, microstructure and heat treatment of steels)3SM07 DSMaterials ScienceUndergraduate326
3Modeling and Simulation in Materials processing (1) (• The concept of a model and modeling methods.• Modeling the processes by material balance and energy balance. • Knowledge of statistical and mathematical methods for the obtaining of mathematical models that describe the functional links between input and output variables of metallurgical processes.)4IPM12 DSMaterials ScienceUndergraduate 424
4SuperalloysGeneral characterization; Microstructure, Properties, Physical metallurgy of Ni-base superalloys, Applications, Coatings role in superalloys protection1MATAE IA 101Materials EngineeringMaster course515
5Nonmetallic Shape Memory MaterialsGeneral characterization of shape memory materials; shape memory alloys, shape memory ceramics, shape memory polymers, shape memory composites; shape memory hybrids1MATAE IA 113Materials EngineeringMaster course524
6Electro and Magnetorheological MaterialsFundamentals of complex fluids; Properties of complex fluids; Electrorheological fluids; Magnetorheological suspensions2 MATAE IA 208Materials EngineeringMaster course615
7Termotechnics (1) Heat and mass transfer; Convection, Radiation, Conduction, Boiling, Condensation, Difusion2SM9 DDengineering; materials engineeringundergraduate225
8Thermal Equipment and Instalations (1) Combustion, Burners, Heating in a furnace, Walls design, Industrial balance and efficiency3IPM05 DSengineering; materials engineeringundergraduate314
9Simulation techniques of thermo-gas-dynamics processes Geometry creation, Geometry validation in ANSYS, Model creation and validation in Ansys Fluent, 2D models, 3D models1TAIPM DA5engineering; materials engineeringmaster116
10Metallic Materials 3 (Non-ferrous alloys-processing, microstructure, properties)Metals and non-ferrous alloys. Physico-chemical processes in the processing of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Alloys refining. Copper and its alloys. Nickel and its alloys. Aluminum and its alloys. Magnesium and its alloys. Tin, lead and their alloys. Specific methods of obtaining, refining and casting.3.SM.09.DSMaterials scienceundergraduate324
11Sintered Materials and Products (processing, microstructure, properties)Metal powder manufacturing processes. Powder characterization properties and methods. Preparatory operations applied to powders. Powder alloying and microstructure. Powder formation and compaction. Sintering. Products obtained by powder metallurgy3.SM.12.DS-1Materials scienceundergraduate314
12Expert Systems for Thermal System CommandArtifical Intelligence, Intelligent Systems Applications2SITM DA1engineering; materials engineeringmaster214
13Equipment for materials engineeringIndustrial application, plastic deformation, thermal treament equipment3SM03 DSengineering; materials engineeringundergraduate315
14Computer Added Design for Thermal Systemsfurnace/oven/kiln design, thermal technology design, CAD-CAM4EPI02 DSengineering; materials engineeringundergraduate414
15Thermal Equipment and Instalations (2) Industrial application, plastic deformation, thermal treament equipment3IPM06 DSengineering; materials engineeringundergraduate324
16Metallic materials (1)Cast iron industry: past, present and future, Cast irons: Definition. Classification criteria. Grades; Metal bath processing Liquid phase, Smelting of cast iron in the cupola, Smelting of cast iron in units with electric heating, Control of the chemical composition of the metal bath during the smelting; 3. Cast iron modification : Inoculation, Modification; 4. Physic-chemical and mechanical properties of cast irons.3SM06DSengineering; materials engineeringundergraduate324
17Surface corrosionElectrochemical corrosion. The mechanism of electrochemical corrosion. Thermodynamics of the corrosion process.Kinetics of electrochemical corrosion Determination of corrosion current. Corrosion protection.3.SM.15.DS-1engineering; materials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate323
18Polymeric materialsPolymer molecules. Molecular structure of polymers. Structure of copolymers. Crystallization, melting and glass transition of polymeric materials. Mechanical material properties of polymeric materials. Thermal properties of polymeric materials.Characterization of acrylic polymers.Special forms of use of polymeric materials. Technologies for obtaining polymeric materials.Processing technologies of polymeric materials.3.SM.15.DS-2materials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate323
19PROPERTIES of MATERIALS 1Clasification of properties; Elements of structural theory of materials properties; Physical properties; (density, electrical, thermal, magnetic properties, supraconductibility, combined physical effects); chemichal properties (electrode potential, corrosion mechanisms and protection against corrosion).4.SM.02.DD materials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate414
20BASICS OF COMPUTER AIDED DESIGNAssisted design technologies for Plastic deformation: lamination, free forging, stamping, extrusion, drawing, stamping, plastic processing.4 SM 06materials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate423
21PROPERTIES of MATERIALS 2Mechanical properties: static and dynamic properties and details concerning the methods of determination; technological properties (cutting, hardenability, weldability, hot and cold deformability). Elements of materials choice: classic method, matriceal methods, Ashby’s method.4.SM.08.DDmaterials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate423
22Composite MaterialsChapter 1. General considerations on the composite materials; Chapter 2. Thermodynamics and kinetics of processes at the matrix-reinforcement interface; Chapter 3. Synthesis techniques of composite materials; Chapter 4. Properties evaluation of composite materials; Chapter 5. Composite materials. Allegations of specific works. Discussion board. Conclusions. Applications: 2. Determination of contact angle between liquid metal and reinforcing material. 3. Determination of superficial tension of matrix alloys. 4. The processing of composite materials with ceramic particles and the matrix from aluminum alloys. 5. Obtaining of foam-type composite materials with aluminum alloy matrix. 6. Obtaining of composite materials with HEA alloys particles.4.SM.12.DS-1materials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate414
23Non-metallic materialsNon-metallic materials. Plastic materials:Obtaining plastics materials.Plastics materials processing.Ceramic materials.Refractory ceramic materials Chemical properties of refractory materials Silicon-based ceramic materialsCarbon-based ceramic materials. Ceramic materials used in electronics4.SM.15.DS-1materials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate425
24Technical Drawing and Infographics 2Geometric Transformations, Object Visualization, Solid and Surface Modeling and Wireframe Modeling; Drawing objects, Editing a drawing, Projecting three-dimensional models, parts and mechanical assemblies.1.IMAT.12.DFmaterials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate126
25MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTIONDefinition and classification of steel according to European Standards. Technological, utility and mechanical properties of steels used for metallic constructions. Non-alloy steel constructions for general use Non-alloy steel for reinforcement and precompression concrete Steel Pipes Steel used for metallic constructions and offshore platforms. Steel for the viaducts, bridges and railway road. Stainless steels. Technological features.4.SM.05.DSmaterials engineering, materials scienceundergraduate414
26Thermal analysis advanced techniques (1)Introduction to thermal analysis 2. Characterization of measuring instruments 3. Characterization, interpretation and presentation of results 4. Differential thermal analysis 5. Differential scanning calorimetryMATAE IA 110materials engineeringMaster124
27Thermal analysis advanced techniques (2)Thermomechanical analysis 2. Thermodilatometry 3. Dynamic mechanical analysis 4. Thermogravimetry 5. Thermomagnetometry 6. Thermoptometry 7. Simultaneous Thermal Analysis 8. Other methods of thermal analysis 9. Nano-thermal analysisMATAE IA 203materials engineeringMaster214
28MATERIALS FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONSPhase transformations in shape memory alloys Characteristics and properties of shape memory alloys Obtaining shape memory alloys Applications of shape memory alloys 4SM13DS materials engineeringundergraduate413


Academic Year 2024/2025


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