International Staff Week, 2nd edition, “Framing International in Digital Format”

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The Vicerectorate for International Relations, within Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, organized between 8-12 October 2018, the second edition of International Staff Week, this year with the name ”Framing International in Digital Format”.

Embedding Internationalization in universities is nowadays of paramount relevance in everything we do. Communication and sharing the necessary information between partners is vital and hence its translation in accessible digital format becomes natural and challenging at the same time.
During the event we actively shared opinions and good practices on the main topics which were: Digital tools in internationalization – tools examples; How we use them to optimize the internationalization of university; Erasmus+ application – on-line app development; Good practices in digital internationalization; Digital resources for students.

Our guests from Germany, Spain, Ukraine, Macedonia and Egypt enjoyed the activities we proposed, such as presentations, visits to the academic and student campus, to Aula Magna “Carmen Sylva” and TUIASI Library,  the amazing Romanian culture and the International Student Fair organized in order to actively promote Erasmus + Programme.

Here are some of the thoughts expressed by the participants:

“We have had a rich and intensive programme, as the organizers were able to combine professionally related activities with the cultural ones. All of the presentations have been extremely useful and relevant…”, “I saw different parts of the University, I really liked the student campus”, “Moreover we have greatly enjoyed the tours organized during the Staff Week, as we managed to get acquainted with Iasi much better…”, “Improve the organization are difficult whether have been amazing”, “Wonderful experience, new learning opportunities”.