Gheorghe Asachi University hosted the 3rd Edition of 10 Days of INGENIUM

Gheorghe Asachi University hosted the 3rd Edition of 10 Days of INGENIUM, the flagship event of the INGENIUM European University, from 20 to 24 of May, in Iași, where a number of more than 100 students and staff members from 10 European partner universities arrived and took part in this immersive educational event.

INGENIUM, as an alliance between 10 universities, of which TUIASI is part of, wants to use diversity to pursue excellence in European Higher Education. Embodying the diverse geography, cultural background, and organization activities the partners share the same values regarding education, research, innovation and social engagement.

Twice a year the INGENIUM European University organizes the alliance’s biggest event, 10 Days of INGENIUM, where students and staff from all the partner universities meet face-to-face to work together, exchange ideas and share best practices.

The 2024 Junior Summer School, “Print your Mind in 3D – Empower Your Creativity”, covered a range of activities designed to enhance students’ creativity and entrepreneurial skills, including workshops, hands-on sessions and insightful discussions. The students delved deep into the foundational principles of design thinking, meticulously dissecting each stage – from empathizing with users to prototyping solutions, materialized at the and of the event through 3D Printing.

The INGENIUM European University, in this flagship event, also organized Staff Academy workshops to share, transfer and showcase selected innovative pedagogical methodologies from the partner Universities. The main goals for the interactive events of Staff Academy were:

  • to find innovative ways to equip students with the knowledge and other skills required for their professional and personal development;
  • to utilize research findings in education, bringing education and research closer together through challenge-based, work-based, and other methodologies
  • develop hybrid learning methodologies by combining traditional classroom-based education with other innovative learning methodologies, including distance or work-based learning.

The 10 Days of INGENIUM european event offered new networking opportunities and opened avenues for enhanced cooperation within the INGENIUM Alliance. This event represented a great chance for members of partner universities to connect, share and learn about each other’s rich cultural and historic backgrounds, giving Iasi an unique platform to be discovered as a true European cultural and educational city.