Real Estate Evaluation and Administration
Home — International Students — Come for a degree — Double Degree Programmes — Real Estate Evaluation and Administration

Info About the Programme
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services
Name of the programme: Real Estate Evaluation and Administration
Level of Study: Master
Programme Website: here
The master’s program ”Real Estate Evaluation and Administration” is the result of the Cooperation Agreement between the Technical University ”Gh. Asachi” Iași (TUIASI) and the Technical University of Moldova (UTM), its purpose being to obtain a double degree by students.
A master’s student who fully follows the master’s program ”Real Estate Evaluation and Administration” (UTM) will have to complete 3 semesters at TUIASI during which he will accumulate a total number of 43 credits (ECTS).
A master’s student who fully follows the master’s program ”Real Estate Evaluation and Administration” (TUIASI) will have 2 semesters to complete at UTM during which he will accumulate a total number of 10 credits.