A 210-year Legacy in Engineering and Technical Education

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI) has a long-standing tradition of providing engineering education in Romania. From the beginning, it has prioritized research, interdisciplinary approaches, innovation, and, in the last two decades, internationalization. TUIASI is home to over 13,500 diverse and creative students on one of the largest national campuses, located in the heart of Iasi, a true cultural capital city in North-East Romania.

Explore Our History

The Emergence of the Latin School

In 1562, at Cotnari (near Iasi), the Latin School emerged. This has been the starting point for laying the foundation of higher education in Romania. Still, it was not until 1813 that the scholar Gheorghe Asachi founded the first school of land surveyors and civil engineers with instruction in the Romanian language. It can be considered the core of technical higher education in Moldova.


The Foundation of Technical Education

In 1813 the scholar Gheorghe Asachi founded the first school of land surveyors and civil engineers with instruction in the Romanian language. It can be considered the core of technical higher education in Moldova.


The Michaellian Academy

The Mihăileană Academy was founded in 1835, including, among other disciplines, technical courses and a "painting school", in this way contributing to the development of technical education in Moldova.


The University of Iasi

The University of Iași was established in 1860, becoming a true citadel of all sciences and a pillar of higher education in the region.


The Establishment of the Polytechnic Institute

On the 7th of November 1912, after passing the regulations for the Faculty of Science, the proper Polytechnic Institute was set up. More technical specialties have been added:

  • the department of the electro-technical;
  • applied chemical
  • and agricultural sciences.

The new Gheorghe Asachi Polytechnic School

In March 1937, when the Parliament of Romania voted on the Law of Education, the technical higher education was transferred to the newly established Polytechnic School which was, at that time, one of the few higher education institutions in Romania qualified to issue engineer’s degrees. The new institution bore from the very beginning the name of Gheorghe Asachi, the founder of Romanian technical education, while professor Cristea Otin was elected its first Rector.


The Education Reform

Through the education reform of 1948, the "Gh. Asachi" Polytechnic Institute of Iași was established.


The "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași

In 1993, following a new reform of higher education in Romania, the "Gh. Asachi" Polytechnic Institute of Iași became the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași on May 17, 1993.


The INGENIUM Alliance

In 2023, the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași became a member of the INGENIUM Alliance, a network of European universities, further strengthening its position within international higher education.


Our Mission

Every day, we seize a unique opportunity to empower and shape the bright minds and spirits of the digitally savvy next generation. To us, education is not just a process; it’s a dynamic journey of exploration and evolution. 

We continually strive to foster creativity and equip our students with the skills to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Our dedication to innovative transformation is a guiding principle, shaping the essence of the educational experience at TUIASI.

TUIASI way of learning

We strongly emphasize core engineering principles. Our students engage with a rigorous academic curriculum that covers a spectrum of technical subjects, ensuring they develop a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of their field.

We also understand that true mastery of engineering requires practical experience. Hence, we provide access to laboratories and research facilities for students to apply their knowledge to today’s problems. By learning through hands-on experience, they are prepared to become skilled problem-solvers in their future careers.

Contact Informations

Phone Number: +40-0232-278628

Address: No. 67 Professor Dimitrie Mangeron Bvd, 700050, Iasi, Romania