Erasmus+ – A life-changing experience event

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During 11 – 15 March 2019, the Vice-Rectorate for International Relations, with the support of TUIASI faculties management, Erasmus + coordinators and former Erasmus + students, organized the event “Erasmus + – A life-changing experience”. The main goal of this event, part of the National Erasmus + Open Doors, was to promote the study and placement opportunities which Erasmus + program offers to students.

An Erasmus + presentation space was organized within each faculty, in the central lobby, during the period mentioned above. Former Erasmus + students provided information about their experience and the steps to be taken in order to participate in a study or placement mobility, depending on the faculty particularities.

Potential candidates found out from their colleagues how to: apply for a mobility, choose the university or develop the learning-agreement and why a mobility Erasmus + is a life-changing experience.