Incoming Non-EU Students

Mobility options for Non-EU Students

Students from Erasmus+ European partner universities may spend 1 or 2 semesters at our university within the Erasmus+ Programme. Your student mobility can be in any subject area or academic discipline, available in our university.

As a student you can enroll in the programme for:

  • a study period for a semester or for an entire academic year;
  • a traineeship (work placement)  in our university. The traineeships should be an integrated part of the student’s study programme.

How many mobilities can you have?

The same student may participate in multiple mobility periods totaling up to 12 months maximum per each cycle of study, independently of the number and type of mobility activities:

  • during the first study cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) including the short-cycle (EQF levels 5 and 6);
  • during the second study cycle (Master or equivalent – EQF level 7);
  • during the third cycle as doctoral candidate (doctoral level or EQF level 8).

The duration of a traineeship counts towards the 12 months maximum of the cycle during which they apply for the traineeship.

All you need to know about the process

Value of the Scholarship

Each incoming student under the Erasmus+ KA171 Programme will receive a scholarship of 800 Euros/month.

Lump sums for travel

In addition, students can receive lump sums for travel costs as follows:

Distance Sum lump – ”Green Travel” Sump lump – ”Non-Green Travel”
Between 10 – 99 km
56 Euro
28 Euro
Between 100 – 499 km
285 Euro
211 Euro
Between 500 – 1999 km
417 Euro
309 Euro
Between 2000 – 2999 km
535 Euro
395 Euro
Between 3000 – 3999 km
785 Euro
580 Euro
Between 4000 – 7999 km
1188 Euro
1188 Euro
Over 8000 km
1735 Euro
1735 Euro

The distance calculator provided by the European Commission will be used to calculate the distance:

travel distance = the distance between the place of origin and the place where the activity is carried out, while the “amount”covers the travel contribution to and from the place of departure.

Application process

The steps for the mobility are:

  • Selection at the home university: the partner university must send the Minute for the selection and Statement for the conflict of interest signed by all members
  • Learning agreement: for study/ for traineeship
  • Financial Grant Agreement

Useful Info

Erasmus+ International Cod: ROIASI 05

PIC TUIASI: 999853303


For any questions regarding  your Erasmus+ mobility, please contact:

International Office

Ms. Doina Tiron
International Officer

Address: No. 67 Professor Dimitrie Mangeron Bvd, 700050, Iasi, Romania