ARUST & INSA Double Degrees
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Double Degree Agreement
The Double Degree Agreement, concluded between ARUST (Romanian Alliance of Universities of Science and Technology, of which TUIASI is a member) and INSA GROUP, the leading French group of engineering institutes, establishes a connection between the degree programmes of universities within ARUST and those of INSA GROUP.
The agreement, as a result of many years of collaboration, is the framework for cooperation which focuses on: the academic and administrative exchange, common research projects and scientific journals, workshops and seminars’ organization and other type of academic and scientific programmes.
The enrolled students in the double degree programme meet the opportunity to have two diplomas: a master’s degree diploma at TUIASI and a bachelor of engineering diploma (MA equivalent) in one of the French universities from INSA group.
Selection of candidates at TUIASI
TUIASI organizes a pre-selection interview for candidates at institutional level, usually in February-March for the following academic year. The pre-selection interview takes into consideration various criteria designed to ensure that the candidate is capable of successfully evolving in an international university context. The candidates declared admitted will follow the standard registration procedure by accessing the link here.

Financing the mobility period and fees
Participating students are eligible for an external mobility scholarship from TUIASI funds during their periods of study in France and for an ERASMUS+ scholarship for one year of study. The Erasmus+ scholarship is awarded in accordance with the regulations and methodology of this programme.

Procedures for INSA Students
Target students
INSA students who, after having their second year of study and the compulsory internship validated in France and have a certificate of English, level B1 will attend the two semesters of the second year of study of the master’s program and will defend their master’s dissertation at TUIASI.
Academic Pathways
INSA students complete the first 4 years in France, then study Master Year 2 at TUIASI.
The dissertation exam takes place at the host University.

INSA Groups (France)
- INSA Centre Val de Loire
- INSA Lyon
- INSA Rennes
- INSA Rouen Normandie
- INSA Strasbourg
- INSA Toulouse
- École Supérieure d’Ingénieur-e-s en Technologies Innovantes de Rouen (ESITech)
- ENSIAME Valenciennes
- École nationale supérieure de chimie de Mulhouse (ENSCMu)
- École nationale supérieure d’ingénieurs Sud-Alsace (ENSISA) de Mulhouse
Procedures for TUIASI Students
Target students
TUIASI students who completely validate the first 2 years of the bachelor degree and have an English and French certificate, level B1 will study in the third year at a university in the INSA group and then they will return to TUIASI for the fourth year of their bachelor programme.
Academic Pathways
TUIASI students complete Bachelor Year 1 and 2; then study Engineering Cycle Year 1 at INSA; they come back at TUIASI for Bachelor Year 4 and Master Year 1, then return to INSA for Engineering Cycle Year 3.
The dissertation exam takes place at the host University.

ARUST Groups (Romania)
- Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași
Contact: Irina Lungu,
- University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
- Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest
- University Politehnica of Timișoara
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca