Master Study Programmes

Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering

  1. Embedded Computers
  2. Distributed systems and WEB technologies
  3. Cybersecurity
  4. Artificial Intelligence (English Language) – more info HERE>
  5. Embedded Control Systems
  6. Systems and control (English Language)
  7. Machine Learning, Robotics and Control (English Language) – more info HERE>
  8. Distributed systems and WEB technologies (English Language) – more info HERE>

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering on its official WEBSITE >

”Cristofor Simionescu” Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection

  1. Polymeric Biomaterials and Bioresources
  2. Clean Chemical Processes
  3. Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products
  4. Control and Food Processing
  5. Innovations in Biotechnologies Vegetables, Enzymatic and Microbial (English Language) – more info HERE>

  6. Environmental Management
  7. Environmental management and sustainable energy (English Language) – more info HERE>
  8. Waste Management, Treatment and Valorisation

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the ”Cristofor Simionescu” Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection on its official WEBSITE >

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services

  1. Building Services
  2. Real Estate Assessment and Management
  3. Modern Transportation Infrastructures
  4. Buildings Engineering
  5. Geotechnical Engineering
  6. Structural Engineering
  7. Structural Engineering (English Language) – more info HERE>
  8. Construction Management and Special Technologies
  9. Performant Materials and Building Products
  10. The Rehabilitation and the Increase of Constructions Safety
  11. Entrepreneurship of Real Estate

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services on its official WEBSITE >

Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management

  1. Applied Fluid Mechanics
  2. Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
  3. Production Management and Technology
  4. Micromechanical Systems
  5. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
  6. Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation (English Language) – more info HERE>
  7. Industrial Entrepreneurship

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management on its official WEBSITE >

Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology

  1. Digital radio communications
  2. Communication networks
  3. Advanced Systems in Applied Electronics
  4. Intelligent Electronic Systems and Industrial Informatics
  5. Modern Signal Processing techniques
  6. Automotive electronic control systems (English Language) -more info HERE>
  7. Information Technologies for  Telecommunications (English Language) -more info HERE>

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology on its official WEBSITE >

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

  1. Power Conversion and Motion Control
  2. Advanced Electrical Systems
  3. Information systems for Environmental Monitoring
  4. Management Energy-Environment
  5. Management of Energy Systems
  6. Engineering and Management in the Globalization Context

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering on its official WEBSITE >

Faculty of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering

  1. Real Estate Assessment and Management
  2. Hydrotechnical Engineering
  3. Modernization of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Hydroameliorative and Hydroedilitarian Systems
  4. Geomatics and Cartography
  5. Engineering and Management of Environmental Factors

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering on its official WEBSITE >

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

  1. Concept and Management of Automotive Design
  2. Road Traffic Safety And Performances
  3. Systemics Of Motor Vehicles Transportation
  4. Hybrid and electric vehicles
  5. Diagnosis and Technical Expertises in Mechanical Engineering
  6. Heat Machines, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  7. Railway Transportation Systems
  8. Environmental Techniques in Food Industry
  9. Robotic Systems

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on its official WEBSITE >

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

  1. Industrial Systems for Modern Technologies
  2. Engineering Safety and Health at Work
  3. Advanced Materials and Experimental Analysis Techniques
  4. Advanced Techniques in Materials Processing Engineering

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering on its official WEBSITE >

Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management

  1. Ecodesign in Textiles Finishing
  2. Quality Assurance in Textile-Leather Industry
  3. Advancements in Footwear Design and Technology
  4. Clothing designing and modeling
  5. Innovative Systems for Garments Manufacturing
  6. Advanced Knitting Technologies
  7. Production Management
  8. Innovation and entrepreneurship
  9. Project Management for Engineers
  10. Management and Business Administration

Find out more information on the study programmes provided by the Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management on its official WEBSITE >