Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi took part in the third Training School organised in an international COST project (financed by HORIZON 2020). The training school was held during 19 – 21 September 2018 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics Rzeszow University of Technology.

The event was organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics Rzeszow University of Technology and took place in Poland. Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi is a full member of the Management Committee through prof.dr.habil. Alina Adriana MINEA (from Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering) implication in the project, also as dissemination coordinator of this COST action.

This event gathered participants from 10 european countries as well as trainers from France, Portugal, Romania, Thailand, Spain and Poland. At the meetings, Technical University „Gheorghe Asachi“ from Iaşi was represented by Alina Adriana Minea (Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, as Trainer), drd. ing. Elena Ionela Dinu şi drd. ing. Marius Cherecheş, both from Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, as Trainees.

More information is available at:


COST Action NANOUPTAKE – interviews

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi is a full member in the European collaborative project COST Action CA 151119: NANOUPTAKE from 2016. In order to closely follow the career advancement results on young researchers, PhD and post-doc students after 3 years of continuous developing, we performed an interview with seven questions. This interview was made with researchers that participated at minimum three activities in the last three years. Further on are the answers of some interviewed researcher (from our university only) at all questions about their career advancement outcomes due to their active implication into this Action. The two interviews revealed here are from two PhD students in materials engineering from faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, both of them having their PhD in the area of nanofluids.

  1. Please describe how the Action is advancing in your career, skills and network of research.

Ionela Dinu: Thanks to the COST Action project, I had the opportunity to meet people with experience in nanofluid that gave me useful information for my research field.

Marius Cherecheş: Within the COST Action project, I met people with extensive nanofluid experience, who helped me with useful information about preparation and analysis of nanofluids, making me wishing to continue my studies as pHD student.

  1. Do you managed to develop new research topics or breakthrough innovations that emerged from the networking established through Nanouptake?

Ionela Dinu: Based on the information gathered within this project, I have been able to develop a new research topic for my future doctoral thesis.

Marius Cherecheş: Following the participation and discussions at different Training Schools I gathered a lot of data in a new research subject, which I will develop within the doctoral thesis.

  1. Please explain how your career got a boost thanks to participation in COST capacity building activities (training schools, short-term scientific missions).

Ionela Dinu: My first action (Training School, Castellon, Spain) was the second year of master. Due to the information I have accumulated, I have succeeded in developing my future doctoral thesis.

Marius Cherecheş: Professionally, thanks to my participation in the two Training Schools, I have been able to gather much information from experienced people, information that will be of great help to me in my future research projects.

  1. Did you managed to introduce a new technique/approach learned at a COST training school/ short-term scientific meeting.

Ionela Dinu: I personally shared the information gathered at the three Training Schools that I attended with other colleagues with a nanofluid theme.

Marius Cherecheş: I have not been able to introduce a new technique but I have encouraged my colleagues to participate in such actions because they can accumulate a great deal of useful information for their future research career.

  1. Is this COST action helped you to secure a long-term position in academia or industry?

Ionela Dinu: Being at the beginning of the second year of PhD, I can not say for now whether this COST Action has helped me get a long-term position. But I can say, it certainly helped me choose my doctoral thesis and have a clearer vision of what I want professionally and I have a better understanding of the field of nanofluids.

Marius Cherecheş: Being at the beginning of my career, I can not say that participating in this project has helped me to consolidate my long-term career, but certainly the experience and the information gathered will help me in the future.

  1. How many articles did you published due to Nanouptake cooperation?

Ionela Dinu: Thanks to our collaboration with Nanouptake we have published 2 papers and we have participated in 3 conferences in the field of nanofluids and ionanofluids.

Marius Cherecheş: Being at the beginning, I have not been able to post an article yet. Nevertheless, I managed to get a lot of valuable informatuion on how to write an article.

  1. Overall, how was influenced your personal life due to work and cooperation into COST project Nanouptake?

Ionela Dinu: My personal life was influenced in a positive way because the family was with me and encouraged me during this period.

Marius Cherecheş: My personal life has been influenced in a positive way by participating in this beautiful project because both my family and my friends have been with me. Also, I managed to cooperate at personal and scinetific level with people from Spain and Portugal.

Any other final thoughts?

Ionela Dinu: I wish this program to continue because it is very beneficial both for young researchers and for the teachers involved, because in the project we can accumulate and share from our own experiences information that can be useful to us in future research projects.

Marius Cherecheş: I would like to thank the organizers for giving me the chance to participate in this project and to meet people who are open to collaborations and exchanges of ideas that have given me a new perspective in terms of research. I want this project to have a continuity and become more interesting year after year and to gather as many researchers as possible and not only to develop this area of nanofluids.