Training for Innovation in Education for Sustainable Development: “Teach4SD: Build for the Future! Sustainability in the Construction Sector”

In September 2024, the “Train-the-Trainer” event took place in Barcelona as part of the TEACH4SD project – Transforming Education Area and Competency Hub for Sustainable Development.

Participants from the 10 countries of the consortium were trained to prepare teachers from higher and pre-university education institutions in the field of sustainability.

The aim of this approach is to maximize the impact of training in sustainable development so that the information reaches as many teachers as possible and provides them with the educational tools they need in their teaching and learning activities with students to effectively address the challenges of sustainable development.

Following this initiative, the “Train the Teachers” trainings were organized in the Vocational Center (CoVE) in Romania between October 2024 and January 2025. Two groups of 20 teachers from each partner institution in the project (“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași and “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical College of Iași) were trained in the first series of trainings.

For the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, the training entitled “Teach4SD: Build-it 4 the future! Sustainability in the Construction Sector” included 4-hour workshops on 7 November, 21 November, 12 December 2024, 10 January and 30 January 2025.

The competencies worked on included: 1. accepting the complexity of sustainability: systems thinking, critical thinking; problem definition; 2. embodying the values of sustainability: valuing sustainability; 3. envisioning sustainable futures: exploratory thinking, adaptability; 4. acting for sustainability: collective action.

Workshop 1 included an introduction of the participants to the topic of Education for Sustainable Development, a presentation of the project, emphasizing the principles and practices of sustainable development, and a presentation of the specific transversal competences.

Workshop 2 focused on understanding the competences for sustainable development and the links between them, and included exercises to outline the sustainability profile. The tool created by the project to identify and correlate the educational elements related to sustainable development was presented, after which the participants, after completing the assigned homework, presented plans on how to integrate education for sustainable development in the subjects they teach.

The third workshop used an interactive roundtable approach to engage participants in systems thinking teamwork exercises, followed by a presentation of the results.

Workshop 4 led the participants through the question “How do you see education for sustainable development in 10 years?” Starting with the question “Where are we?”, the participants identified the relevant issues for “Where are we going?” and developed an action plan.

In workshop 5, which was carried out jointly with representatives of “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical College of Iași and of Iasi Chamber of Commerce and Industry & the business environment in the field, the activity was interactive, working in homogeneous and then heterogeneous working groups, highlighting good practices in sustainable development in the construction field, presenting the results of the proposed topics, feedback and conclusions.

For “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical College of Iași, the dates for carrying out the activities were: 13, 14, 15 December 2024, 21 and 30 January 2025. Starting from the question “Why are we here?”, during the first workshop, the participants were familiarized with the theme of the project, with the legislation on sustainable development in the construction field and with the theoretical concepts of education in the field of sustainable development.

At the next meeting, in workshop 2, the trainers presented the transversal skills with a focus on green skills. They worked on the sustainability profile of each participant, based on the working tool created by the project, the, they developed the theme regarding the adoption of sustainability values with an emphasis on the protection of nature.

Workshop 3 led the participants through interactive working methods in identifying the visions and perceptions about teaching sustainable development; accepting complexity in sustainability – systems thinking and visualizing the sustainable future – future literacy.

Workshop 4 emphasized the valorization of the independent activity of the teaching staff, the presentation of the portfolio, the conclusions and the feedback.

Workshop 5 was carried out together with representatives of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași and the local business environment.

The Barcelona event, the regular online meetings organized among the project trainers, and the training sessions held in Iași demonstrate the Teach4SD project’s commitment to maximize the impact of training in the field of sustainable development. By addressing topics such as: the complexity of sustainability, systems thinking, sustainability values, and collective action, the project contributes to the training of competent and motivated teachers to educate students in the spirit of sustainable development.

In the current context of global challenges related to climate change and sustainable development, Teach4SD project represents a valuable initiative that supports efforts to build a more sustainable future for all. By disseminating good practices in education for sustainable development and by creating a network of teachers committed to promoting sustainability, the project has a significant impact on education in Romania and contributes to a more responsible society aware of the importance of protecting the environment.

Article by: Constanța Pravăț & Ioana Olteanu

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